"So... kind of like if someone were to run at me... Rather than pushing them away... Pulling them passed would be wiser since I wouldn't have fight their weight and their momentum would work against them."She scratched the back of her head, "Right?" Rayn smiled as she caught on. Of course she already had training in this . "Exactly which what makes Tai Chi super dangerous when mastered, you are making an opponent fight his greatest enemy... Himself. That's one if the reasons Water benders are able to keep to their traditions. They can defend it well." She held up her hands when he said he was going to find her a water bender to teach her. She shook her head, "I can do that... You've already done so much... I was thinking of speaking with the woman at the market... Selling Northern Water Tribe wares, she's ought to know plenty of waterbenders.... I figured I'd ask her if she could point me in the right direction of a good teacher," she smiled at him, "You really don't have to do everything for me..." He bowed slightly." Forgive me... I just want to make sure you have a great start here. But you are right, the first step to being self sufficient is to be independent... But here are some rules I would ask you live by... Only to protect you. At least till you can take care of yourself. 1. Let me know in advance where you are going, I'll point you in a safe direction away from known gang locations. 2. Don't be out after dark. Lame I know but that's when the gangs thrive and easy to snag someone. If you are I would like to be with you. Don't think I'm making these to control you. But as a guide of what not and to do here.