On the other side of the party, the white-haired <> was striking down creatures with sufficient application of superior stats and <>, almost as if he had done so a million times before. Which wasn't all that false, all things considered. Compared to Yukimura and his buffed SPD and DEX stats, the mobs he was facing off against were practically freakin' turtles. Yeah, it looked like he was in a jam, what with being practically surrounded, but he'd intentionally aggro'd most of the creatures in the vicinity to himself in order to cut them down with extreme prejudice, and collect the EXP for him and his partner. Plus, combined with Lily's level grinding, allowed for even more EXP to go around. As long as he didn't get distracted, he'd be fine. The young man registered his comrade in arms approaching, back towards him. Evidently she hadn't see "No, wait! I can deal with this!" he called out, cutting down a leaping monster with a <> before transitioning to a <> to cut down its ally and clear a path for Lily, because it was evident she wasn't going to stop any time soon. [i]'Damn,'[/i] Yukimura thought, putting an arm in front of Lily protectively, [i]'Ten to deal with, basically completely surrounded, and carrying a <>'[/i] He looked down to Lily's HP bar. Fortunately they hadn't broken 50% of hers... yet. Enough of even 1 damage attacks could kill a player, and these guys definitely did more than 1. Either way, there was no way he'd let anybody die on his watch, not least someone in his party. "...Alright," Yukimura began, sizing up the enemies, "you take the three on your end. I have a higher level and more HP, so I'll take down the rest." He glanced back to the pink-haired girl, "You've got enough HP for that, right? We'll strike on my count." "1... 2... 3!"