Name: Manchester Black
Alias: the Union Jack
Age: 19-20
Gender: m
Ties to Hero: fought Superman
Power(s): telepathy, and telekinesis
Abilities: has amazing telepathy. Able to read many minds, and control them, once blocked Martians hunter from finding Luthor, can create very realistic illusions. His telekinesis can create very powerful shields, enough force to he back Superman's punches. It can also create pulse waves that can crush cars.He once said he could level a whole city. His telekinesis once helped re-wire Doomsday's brain and even pinch blood vessels in Superman's brain. Even when his power was weakened he broke a device that held his power back
Weapons/Gadgets: none.
History: a teen who used to look up to heroes like Superman but now sees them as cliches and the only way to fix the world and stop villains is to kill them.
Personality: cocky, wisea$$, quick thinking, over confident, vengeful and when he is brown down he will be a hypocrite
Friends: none yet
Family: Vera black(Alive)
Crush/Relationship: maybe later
Other: despite all this he is only human