[i]Such manners...[/i] It was a refreshing change, though the comment about his family's fame seemed to strike a nerve. Yoro normally would have dodged conversation with a new recruit, but she managed to impress him enough to make him want to throw her a bone. "You can put your bags in your room. If you will follow me." He took her bags with a very polite "allow me" and began to walk up the stairs. Assuming Chiaki was following him, he would begin to converse with her. "I have heard of you by the way. Seen a few of your glamor shots. Would you be offended if I said you looked far more beautiful in person?" He would abruptly cut off their conversation once they reached the third floor. "This is the third floor. You will be staying here with the other females. Second floor is for males. Of course, it goes without saying that venturing further than the stairs on the second floor is strictly forbidden. The fourth floor is off-limits as well. Pick a room that isn't already taken and I will come down to check on you as soon as my meeting is over. Until then..." He took his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. "Hello." He sighed. "Hello, [i]dear[/i]." He paused for a moment. "I need you to do me a favor. I have a young woman here in the dorm. I need you to help her move in." The person on the other line was yelling until Yoro cut them off. "It's not hard. Just make sure she's alright." A pause. "What? No. Why would I do that? Why would I..." He glanced at Chiaki, then paused. "Yes. I understand. How about dinner?" He nodded. "Yes. At that place you like. Pick you up at eight." He sighed, irritated. "Love you." He hung up. "I have a friend coming by to help you unpack." He put his phone back in his pocket. "Now, if you'll excuse me..." He went up the stairs to the fourth floor, heading back into the command room. He sat back down. "Anyway... back on subject. My theory is that Takahiro is being held somewhere inside Tartarus. Our kidnapper is obviously active during the Dark Hour. Tartarus would be a perfect spot to store a kidnapping victim." ======= Yoro's Phone Conversation "Hello." "Is that any way to greet your fiance?" That familiar, deceptively sweet voice made Yoro cringe. "Hello, [i]dear[/i]." "That's better. Now, why did you call? It's so unlike you to talk to your fiance unless you must." The venomous edge to her voice made Yoro feel like he was five years old. But he refused to let Kimiko know that she could get to him. He went right to business. "I need you to do me a favor. I have a young woman here in the dorm. I need you to help her move in." "What the hell? Do you think I don't have anything better to do? Why call me? Why don't you get one of your Aides to help her? I told you that I don't do manual labor!" Yoro cringed at getting yelled at. [i]Again.[/i] "It's not hard. Just make sure she's alright." This set Kimiko off. "Oh, I see. So she's your whore. What? Am I not good enough for you? Tell me, are you fucking her yet?" "What? No. Why would I do that? Why would I--" "That's good. Because if you make me mad, i'll tell daddy... and he might just withdraw his support. And his money. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?" Yoro didn't respond. He refused to play this game. "I'll help your whore, but I expect something in return. Do you understand?" Yoro finally responded. "Yes. I understand. How about dinner?" "At that one place?" "Yes. At that place you like. Pick you up at eight." Yoro knew how to pacify his bride; with money. "Oh, I love you baby!" No response. "Yoro..." Kimiko said in an irritated tone. Yoro sighed. "Love you." He hung up. --------------------------------------------------- Half an hour later, a gorgeous young woman would meet Chiaki in her room. She had light brown hair that framed a soft, feminine face. Her eyes were a piercing emerald green. She wore a neat black top and a skirt. She had very expensive-looking jewelery on her fingers, wrists, and neck. She would give her a forced bow, casting an icy glare at her. "My name is Maki Kimiko. I am Yoro-kun's fiance."