[quote=Demon Shinobi] *Reads Reaper's post* KF: Calm me crazy... But I think I'm in love with that chick... Me: You... You know she could kill you o.oKF: But... It's so much more fun that way... And look at her... Me: Why Not Amani? She's safe...KF: Why not both? *drools* Me: Not touching that with a 10-foot pole.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^So that was me mentally arguing with my character... They just seem to take a life of their own in the deep recesses of my mind lol . [/quote] I pretty much imagined the same thing coming from Kid Flash. Rachel: He's free to try... Me: Rachel... Rachel: what? If the loving isn't rough it isn't fun. Me: did you just Rachel: *plays with daggers* [Img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/887d4e6f38d54440c319034dde12a660/tumblr_mrykgo03xB1qbk364o1_500.gif[/img] Me: You're right. It is kind of kinky. Rachel and me: *maniacal laughter* Yes I have issues.