Dakeyras was following his goddess. Drunk on her scent he didn't care for his suroundings. He didn't notice the wolves who followed not the fact that they passed the border. He didn't notice each time when she stumbled. Only when she fell.He sprinted to help her up, but there was no need. She didn't stop either. She ran onward. Dakeyras was a bit disappointed, he wanted to cuddle? Or say something. .... Any thing. He loved running and running with her was tens of Millions of times better than anytime he ran before. He could feel dizzy, his stomach twisting and a cold shiver through his spine. But all of these feelings were nice and comforting. The pain he usually felt from his old still not fully healed wounds was missing. This could last forever, and Dakeyras would not mind. Though his instincts and body were telling him he loved her. Yet the noise and v everything his heart and soul desired and screamed for, it did not reach him. It could communicate with him only through instincts and urges. For though he was closed to his heart he was listening to everything his spine wanted. But spine didn't love or hate. Only primitive instincts and reflexes ruled it. Suddenly she stopped. He ran to her and as he reached her he gently leaned his head on her rear leg and moved forward his right side of his face brushing against her left side. As he came closer to her neck she growled. Instinctively he jumped away. Confided and hurry from her reaction. This made him snapp out of his dream world. Suddenly he realised they crossed the border there were two wolves behind him growling and slowly approaching. Instinctively he jumped infront of Kiara facing the two wolfs. They were Smaller, much smaller and scared. Most likely the haven't had a real fight since they were born. Dakeyras was amazed by his action. Usually if this would happen and he would be alone, he would jump into the wolves biting and ramming. This time he moved to protect Kiara. His head held high, legs spread wide and his back arched. He didn't growl nor bark. He felt his heart beat rise the blood went from his insides to his muscles. One move wrong from the small Cubbs and they would have to fight for their lives. Yet with Kiara close Dakeyras payed for this fight to be avoided.