Victor nodded, chuckling at the thought of half of Houston getting shocked if she let a sneeze loose. [b]"Well, give me time to get clear of the backlash zone if you feel a sneeze coming on, yea?"[/b] Looking over the old paper articles that Lilin brought forward, he was starting to form a mental profile for these guys. Old roots, very, very secretive and well used to keeping what they want private, private, and leaving very little in the way of a trail behind. Problem with an organization, is that it always leaves a trail of some sort. No matter how small, miniscule, or disjointed, everything in the world leaves marks of where its been, where it is, and where it will be going. No matter how much effort is put into making that different, nothing is untraceable. One just needs the determination to do it. Glancing at Lilin, and raised an eyebrow at her knowledge of Luminescence. [b]"Perhaps you'd be willing to share over a couple sandwiches, if your hungry? Figure I know a place that might deliver in this mess, not too far from the library anyhow. I'll ring em one, see what they have to say."[/b] Said place happened to be Lotuswich Shoppe, a sandwich place right on the border of Elf Territory, and he had their number for when he was too swamped with work to go out and wait in line, or even leave his apartment or the library, for that matter. But he rung them up, and once they answered, he sounded off in a warm and friendly tone. [b]"Evening Lily, its Vic, how's the weather treating you?"[/b] Once she had a chance to respond, he continued. [b]"When a lull hits, could you send one of those 6in salami melts you make and, hey Lilin you want anything?"[/b] If she did, he would pass the order along, if not, well, he would wrap up. [b]"When a lull hits, or not, your call, could you get that to the library? I'm working on something again, you can probably guess what."[/b]