[B]Lillium[/b] As soon as she had started making the womans sandwich, another perrson came in. Lillium didnt recognize him right away as he was wearing clothes unusual for him, but she could see it was Aussir. He sat in the corner like he always did. Poor guy. Maybe he brought her the aprons! The thought of new aprons for her and her employee made her smile. She quickened her pace, but was disheartened when two more people came in. "Oh well." She mumbled to herself. She couldn't help it if she was short staffed. Finishing the sandwich, she walked over to the woman who ordered it and placed it in front of her. It looked like her friend had woken, maybe she would be hungry as well? She lingered for a moment then walked over to the other men, taking their orders before going to chat with Aussir. The first had some sort of armor on. The other looked like some normal kid. The door dinged again as another person entered her shop. Lillium sighed and turned toward the door to greet whomever entered. [B]Alistair [/b] Rain. What an amazing act of nature. It cleans the air and nurtures the earth. This rain felt different though. Alistair couldn't put his finger on it. He ran his fingers through his now soaked hair and quickened his pace. It was probably not a good idea to take his time, Lillium was probably already swamped with customers knowing his luck. Every time he was late, it was an extremely busy day that lasted well into the night. He had no idea why. It wasn't long before he made it to the shop. He wouldn't have time to smoke before going in he decided, seeing customers sitting down. This was less than he expected in this torrent but it was enough. Alistair pushed open the door and walked in, nice and wet. [B]The Shop(Lillium)[/b] Lillium had turned toward the door and saw her missing employee. He was rarely late and usually had a decent explanation. She knew this time it was the rain. He loved it. She sighed with relief and handed him the new orders to work on once he was ready. She walked over to Aussir. He looked horrible. "The weather is about as awful as one could expect." She replied to his earlier question and looked out the window. The downpour was so harsh, she couldn't see the building across the way. "Are you here to eat or check up on me?" Lillium asked after a moment. [B]The Shop(Alistair)[/b] As soon as he had walked in the door, Lillium had put orders into his hands. Alistair had seen Aussir in the corner and knew she would be talking to him for a while. Quickly, he changed into some dry work clothes and donned a pair of gloves that Lillium held sacred. She had several pairs of leather gloves that were enchanted to stay sterile.. through anything. He had always wanted to test them but Lillium kept the gloves locked away, pulling them out at the start of the work day. Before he distracted himself further, he started working on the sandwiches. It didn't help that the phone was now ringing. Alistair answered, and continued to make dinner for their guests. [B]"Evening Lily, its Vic, how's the weather treating you?"[/b] came the voice on the line and Alistair smiled. "This is actually Alistair, Lillium is otherwise engaged at the moment. I don't think she likes the weather too much. Good and bad for business." [B]"When a lull hits, could you send one of those 6in salami melts you make and, hey Lilin you want anything?"[/b] Alistair quickly jotted down the order and said, "Sure thing, I will head over when its done." The library, huh? He loved chatting with Lilin. He looked over at Lillium, who was now talking to Aussir. She would send him out anyway. Alistair finished up the orders and Lillium placed them before the customers. He told her he would be heading to the library for a delivery to Vic and Lilin and she nodded to him as he left the shop. [B]Out and about[/b] Alistair couldn't stand the rain at this point. He could hardly see where he going. He was glad to be wearing a poncho with an umbrella over his head, but it didn't seem to help much. The journey to the library took much longer than he had wanted to and decided to let Vic know he was almost there. However he would probably need a new phone if he took it out in this, and stopped himself. It wasn't much longer before he found himself inside the massive building. The security was awe inspiring to say the least. There must be something important here. Alistair made a note to mention it in his next report. He spotted Vic and Lilin talking amongst themselves and walked over. "Hey guys, sorry I took so long. That rain is something else." Alistair gave the sandwiches to Vic, they were still toasty warm despite the distance and chill water from the sky.