[b]THIS IS A CLOSED RP. Although, you can lurk if you want. We're not offended. :)[/b] I apologize immensely, but I've not had the time I needed to add the plot here. Family issues that no one on here is interested in. So, until that point is reached, here is the CS: Name: Picture: Appearance: (Describe in greater detail along with the picture. Height and things of that sort as well. Add age) Ability: (Just list it; go into detail in the other categories) Strengths: Weaknesses: History: Personality: (Keep it short; I want to just get a feeling) [hider=Click ME!]Use the spoiler buttons if you have a super high-res image or you like organization that way.[/hider] [hider=My Character]Name: Matthew Webb Picture:[img=http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/pc/Dev+Patel+Harry+Styles+LFW+Burberry+Prosum+HQjQREiDfHql.jpg] Appearance: Tall, at 6'3. A mix of a few different ethnicities, such as latino and Indian. Lean muscular build. Has a large scar from his left pectoral muscle to his center abdomen. He is 24. Ability: Shape-Shifting Strengths: Isn't limited to the confines of the body to begin with; meaning her can shape-shift into objects larger or smaller in mass than his human body, without needing more than basic knowledge of the object. Can selectively transform parts his body. Also is very difficult to be killed while in another form. Weaknesses: Quite a few. Can only transform into inanimate objects. Can be killed as easily as any other human while in human form. Still has feeling and self-awareness while transformed, so pain is still felt. The larger the object, the less time he can hold the form (something like a tank or a large truck can only be held for minutes). Due to the nature of the power, it's essentially useless unless he turns into something mobile or mechanical (e.g. a car; although holding that form for more than an hour or so would be immensely painful, or a gun, which would be pointless since someone else would need to aim him), or is paired with another person to operate himself. If the object he is currently is in the shape of is destroyed or broken, his body will automatically shift back into human form to repair itself (can leave scars). History: Matthew at first, and currently, doesn't use his powers all too much. He's lived his whole life finding it useless. As a product of the slums of urban living, Matthews once good use for his powers was to act as a getaway car for a gas station robbery his friends committed. He had driven them quite far from the police, but wrecked into another vehicle and totaled his car form. He (involuntarily) transformed back to his human form with a massive gash on his chest and was unconscious. His friends had been forcibly thrown out of his vehicle form and were stranded. They were all arrested, and Matthew barely survived. He was shipped to the U.A.U. after recovering. Personality: If outwardly friendly and enthusiastic about everything, but is internally self-loathing. He hates his power and his previous mistakes. He makes a lot of self-degrading jokes about his own powers. [/hider] [hider=Setting]BASE: Fort Requiem [img=http://www.sprung.com/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/galleries/storage%20solution%20-%201.6.1-Military-FortBliss-23.jpg?itok=dvHySqYz] A smaller, less strict Fort located in the woods of the midwest region of America. It's exact location isn't known; all new recruits are transported in windowless cars throughout the facility, and all windows simply show miles of trees. As per a military bunker, it's actually quite nice; having indoor training facilities, a barracks (shown above), a running track, and just about every sort of needed preparation for war imaginable--all connected via underground passages. However, those who currently occupy the fort have no intentions of going to war; the U.A.U. is a very last resort in combat. Sleeping arrangements are as expected; both men and women are in separated communal sleeping arrangements and have separated communal showers. However, the U.A.U. is very understaffed; hardly any rules are enforced. In fact, the only person bent on military precision and strength is it's leader.[/hider] [hider=Colonel James Matthews]Name: Colonel James Henry Matthews Picture: [img=http://www.arpc.afrc.af.mil/shared/media/bio/Colonel%20Kelley.jpg] Appearance: Just as the picture implies, a man of his people and of his country. He is 51. Description: Colonel Matthews is the man assigned to oversee the U.A.U. currently occupying Fort Requiem. He is a hardened military colonel who has seen his fair share of war. He was active duty during Operation Desert Storm and served as a Lieutenant in the Iraqi and Afghan Wars. He is a man devoted to his country and doesn't stop. However, due to an incident of disobeying orders, he was assigned to the lowest unit in exchange for keeping his present rank. He is not a micromanager; he only speaks to new recruits a few times, if not less, a day. He is not mutated and he has a slight bias against mutants. He is hard, and if he hears of a person's incompetence, he will act.[/hider] [hider=General Questions and what to expect][b]Expanses of time:[/b] There will be times in the game when the main characters will be left to themselves for a few hours, or overnight. It is up to the players to decide what is to be done with this time. Open discussion of all elements in the game are welcomed in the OOC. If all characters agree to fast forward a bit, they will post implicative as if the time has passed. (E.g. Bobby decided to take a nap. When bobby woke up, he looked at the time; he had only slept for an hour. He went outside to see what was going on). If you want to, lets say, sleep, and other characters remain awake, then it is up to the other characters to sleep before we move on to the next day. It would be wise if you need to or want to take a small break to have a character go to bed early, and likewise not be responsible for posting for a bit of time. However, if everyone wants to move on to the next day, then we'll need for you to wrap up your scene to move on. [b]On the Colonel:[/b]As implied in the above character, Colonel Matthews will be my piece to motivate and move the story. He will be giving an arrival speech at the beginning of the game, be present for meals, and give hard discipline if needed. The training is self-motivated; the range, as well as the weights, and other tools to practice with are all voluntary. However, there are tests, and there are consequences (In-Game) if tests are failed. I hope to use him minimally, but I need a piece to move the game. [b]Battles:[/b] Battles will be happening in the upcoming first few days of the role-play; however, if a fight begins in the barracks, battle rules apply. Obviously the first is do not god-mod. Clearly. Don't. Second is I find it more fun if you write out attacks that can both be believable for the other character to either get hit by or dodge. This is up to your personal diction as a writer. I ask of you to simply use your brain in a fight. Let your character take a few hits. Without the fear of death battles mean nothing. As always discussion is open in the OOC to question how you want all this to go down. THIS IS NOT MY ROLE-PLAY. IT IS OUR ROLE-PLAY. I want us all to have a good time but I want everyone to be participating in how you want this all to go. [b]Post timing:[/b]There are not many of us so this may move faster than a typical role-play; however, I ask that you give everyone time to post. In a perfect world, everyone would post in a circle, but I know that never works out, so again, I ask logic of you. Please be smart. I'm hoping everyone will post once a day at least, 2-3 times a day at most. IF YOU NEED TO HAVE MORE THAN TWO DAYS TO POST, LET ME KNOW. PM me, post in the OOC, morse code, smoke signals, whatever. It's ok. We understand that real life is a thing. Just please don't go IRL for a week without saying or I'm going to have to move your character and I hate doing that. [b]Plot and End-Game:[/b] In a role-play there are two aspects to a story; real or fake: the events themselves (which I control), and the reaction and action to the events (You control). I have an outlined plot which I will not reveal that takes all characters to the End-Game. However, based on the events leading there, the End-Game will change. You control the ending. I merely place a logical stopping point. Whether it takes us 3 weeks or 8 months or more remains to be seen, and I will not give up on you if you do not give up on me. One of the most satisfying parts of a role-play is ending it; lets try to make it. [/hider] Rules are standard: I'm the GM, blah blah blah, don't be a dick, blah blah, ask questions if need be, etc. Again, more shall be explained soon, but I wanted everyone to had the CS as soon as possible. Until I get off my lazy butt and update the plot, and sincerely, HYS.