Yoromatsu was being of great service to Chiaki. Escorting her to her room, whilst also making conversation with her. At first she believed he wasn't one that liked to talk, but she was thankfully wrong. Carrying her bags to her room, the beauty products she had rattled a little in her bag. Yoromatsu made a comment about about her appearance saying she was beautiful, more so than in her photos. This caused her to blush and whisper "you're too kind..." although he didn't hear or see her. Yoromatsu quickly had a small arguement with somebody over the phone, she made out some disgruntled tones and the word [i]Fiancé[/i]. "He's already engaged!? He's so mature..." Chiaki quickly locled those thoughts into the back of her mind. Yoromatsu claimed it was just a friend, and that they would be arriving to help her unpack. ------------------------------------------- Chiaki had chosen the door closest to the stairs on the left side of the corridor. She shuffled into the room with her bags. "Well I best start abit now, perhaps with the furniture!" Chiaki pulled out several violet sateen sheets with which she quickly used to swap the bright plane white bed sheets. After finishing her bed she promptly moved onto filling the room with her pesessions, such as plushies, posters of pop-bands a callander and her male up box which she placed on her vanity. The process took roughly half an hour. As she placed a jar of wrapped sweets on a shelf a womem wearong expensive jewlery and grumpy attitude entered. --------------------------------------------- "Maki... Kimiko.... Y-you're Yoro- Yes! I am Yoro-kuns Fiancé, don't make me repeat myself! Teh, middle class people are so dimwitted..." "Excuse me?" Replied Chiaki with a smile, she tried to do the intimidating happy look. "Uuuh, anyway, Yoro-kun said I have to help you move in, or something like that..." Maki made glances at Chiakis almost completed room. "(What a freak) So like, you're goth?" Chiaki, placed a family photo on a shelf behind some books. "Incorrect, I am a model, but my fashion choice is lolita of any variety" "A MODEL!" Maki raised her voice, she began to increase in rage, her teeth grinding. "Its only natural though- Chiaki would begin an attempt of flattery. "(Whats this bitch on about?) Huh?! Just wait till I see that Yoro! "Its only natural somebody like Yoromatsu would choose to ... Love... A women as beautiful as yourself..." A smirk grew on Maki's face, she began to ramble on about how her lifestyle is so amazing, especially compared to a model, such as Chiaki. All the while Chiaki unpacked her bags, with a bit of help from Kimko-san, Chiaki nodded, silently agreeing with what ever flew out of that womens mouth. Shortly, Chiaki finished, along with Maki's talking. "Thankyou for your help, Mrs Kimiko. Also I'm quite jealous of your design, but if you'll excuse me, I think I'll have abit of me time, thankyou again though!"