Luci strutted into the library with as much confidence as she could muster under the circumstances. It was all about not looking completely guilty or suspicious. She was just going to look up a group....of potential terrorists to the government and was going to report her findings to a gangster to the most powerful mafia in the city! No pressure. As she walked across the lobby she busied herself with her iphone as if to get attention off of herself. While just scrolling through her contacts she noticed Akira was programmed in with a home and cell number. It pissed her off that he actually hacked into her phone but, made her want to blush and giggle like a little girl. Luci sighed at her confusing emotions trying to ward off another headache. Shaking her head, she pocketed her phone and started for the section of the library that hopefully had information about the organization. Reaching into her bag she pulled out the list and looked at the first name. [b]“Ozy? The fuck...”[/b] She whispered as she scanned the books. About five minutes later she sat on the ground about to bang her head against the wall. [i][b]‘How does he expect me to find out information on this thing in a damn library? Did he forget the internet existed?’[/b][/i] Another ten minutes passed and Luci contemplated about throwing the tablet at her feet against the wall. [i][b]‘Nothing. Absolutely nothing. '[/b][/i] She packed up her tablet and was faced with true desperation. She couldn’t return empty handed. She walked to the front and scanned the room. [b][i]‘All these people look completely human…never know they could be some sort of psychic or whatever and could know I’m coming. Oh well.’[/i][/b] She saw a woman who was telling a man something and, seemed like she worked there. The man began speaking on the phone and Luci saw her chance. She walked up behind the woman and put on her best polite smile she could give, [b]“Excuse me ma’am. I am completely lost here, I was wondering if you could tell me where I find any information on an Operation Freedom?[/b]