Men: Eyes, broad chest, toned legs. Bony laps are no fun to sit in. Don't be small. (Length is only part of that.) Accents are great, except for most Texas/Southern accents. Don't make me feel like a workout warrior because you're out of shape, even if you're not a gym rat. Women: Bust balance; don't make me feel like you might roll over and smother me in my sleep, but make it fun to shop for sexy bras to have you model in. Hair, not a specific type, but well maintained. Ditto skin, color doesn't matter, but feel amazing to touch please. Eyes and smile are huge. Be in shape enough to dance with me all night. Nice ass? Huge plus for both. Both need to smell good, I cannot overstate the importance of that. Nothing smells better than a freshly showered individual. None of this ranks as high as sense of humor, charm, and intellect. (And not always in that order.) Hate 'meat heads', and hate loud girls always looking for a spotlight.