[center] [img=http://images1.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Jay-jay-baruchel-866426_267_400.jpg] [i]'You know, once you get past the excruciating pain, being lit on fire isn't all that bad. It's soothing, kinda like a sauna.'[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Bernie K. Baha [b]Appearance:[/b] Bernie is of average stature, standing at 5'10", and weighing about 135 lbs. He is not especially muscular, but he also isn't out of shape. He usually wears cheap t-shirts and jeans, not really caring much about style. He does wear a fireproofed military cap which is very special to him. [b]Personality:[/b] Though at one point, Bernie was a lighthearted joking man, he has become rather robotic over time. So as to not accidentally set of his ability, he is often seen with a blank look on his face. [b]Ability:[/b] When Bernie feels any form of emotion that is too strong, whether it be happiness, sadness, anger, etc., he spontaneously combusts. The fire is entirely real, and behaves like it should, including burning Bernies flesh off, but after the process Bernie miraculously recovers via some advanced healing. This healing will not work with any other kind of wound, even fire damage inflicted outside of his ability. [b]Strengths:[/b] 32 years of lighting himself on fire have given him some degree of control over his ability. Though he can't switch it on and off, he can usually manage to flail his burning body in some general direction that he wants it to go. Also, he has learned to tell when he is about to combust, but usually he can only react about three or four seconds before it happens. Outside of his powers, he is fairly well rounded, being decent at just about everything you might need on a battlefield (running, punching things, shooting, etc.) but not especially good at anything. He does show a bit of passion for guns, being able to assemble and disassemble them rather quickly. He loves to talk about guns, but sometimes gets a bit worked up when talking about them, and combusts. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Being lit on fire hurts. A lot. Sometimes he says that it's no big deal, but it's pretty serious. Also, it usually takes quite awhile for him to heal back from his burns. He tries to stay away from people a lot, so as to not burn them down, which makes him lonely a lot. He has very little control over his emotions, so often bursts into fire when he doesn't want to. [b]History:[/b] Bernie has had his power for as long as he could remember. Unfortunately, this resulted in the fire that burnt his house down, while his parents were inside. He was moved to live with his aunt and uncle, only to burn their houses down as well. For quite some time during his activity as a vagrant, he worked with guns- he had been staying with a cousin, the one person who he was able to stay with for more than a few months. His cousin worked at a gun range, and often took Bernie with him. Shooting things took the edge off of his emotional scarring. For years, he went from place to place, burning down the livelihoods of everyone he got close to. As one can assume, this wasn't the best for his ego. He took to the streets, but was quickly arrested for arson, more times than he would prefer to say. At one point he was thrown in an asylum, before the government realized he was a mutant. With no hesitation, he was thrown into combat with some of the more useful mutants, as he had been pretending to have total control over the power. But, it wasn't long before they realized what a stupid power he had, and branded him Useless. [/center]