I'm going to sound super fake when I say I really struggle deciding on a physical type. Sure when looking at celebrities or people I don't know I favor curvy women, I generally hold the bar of fitness (as in sportswise) fairly low beneath myself, although if you can't dance crazily with me for hours, or 'go' crazy with me for an extended time, that would probably be an issue. That said, when it comes to actual attraction, to the people I've met or know and find the most attractive out there, it's all about the person. Even if lets say, I generally prefer green eyes, but a girl has brown eyes, but she's really endeared herself to me and has a super-attractive personality, than those eyes will become my favorite in the world. To be more crass, a girl's figure can be more petite than my generic ideal, but become my ideal, simply because she's wow'd me with who she is. It's this reason I tend to really flirt with people only after I get to know them, unless I'm feeling a bit risky, because so much of that attraction is in who they are, even when I'm trying to be an objectifying pig. Maybe waiting often gets me friendzoned, but then I've made a cool friend anyway, so it's not exactly the huge loss the internet makes it out to be.