[b]Name:[/b] Eleanor 'Ellie' Capra [b]Picture:[/b] [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/b607b96cef4e50b7c2ea8c1c413b2f7f/tumblr_mh5eupx6fD1rlpxgzo1_500.jpg] [b]Appearance:[/b] Ellie has a slim build, standing at 5'6" and weighing in at only 110 lbs. She has never been particularly athletic, and so has little muscle. Ellie's hair is cropped short, a style she chose shortly after being drafted. She is 19 years old, but has been told she looks several years younger. [b]Ability[/b]: Ellie has the ability to generate powerful shockwaves from her palms. [b]Strengths:[/b] Ellie's shockwaves are comparable to a bomb detonating. At close range, they will cause concussions, blown ear drums, and, in an extreme case, potentially death. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Although Ellie's power initially sounds like a huge asset, it is far from. Whenever she creates a shockwave, she is at the epi-centre. Her power inherently grants her some slight amount of protection from the blasts, but concussions and hearing damage are always inevitable. [b]History:[/b] Eleanor's abilities didn't choose to manifest themselves until she was in high school. Two weeks before graduation, she was goofing around in the hallway with her friends. Her friend Matt pushed her, she pushed him back. When her palms connected with his chest, the resulting shockwave knocked both students unconscious and caused thousands of dollars worth of damage. Ellie suffered a minor concussion, Matt was rendered temporarily deaf. From that single incident, Ellie was recognized as a mutant. The military was alerted of the girl who could create seismic blasts from her palms, and they were intrigued. Before Ellie could even receive her high school diploma, she was fast-tracked into the Beta Abilities Unit. No one was informed that she had virtually no immunity to her blasts, nor any skills that would be considered useful in the military. Her first day of BAU training, she knocked herself unconscious with her own shockwave. Disappointed and angered at having been given a useless mutant, not to mention one with absolutely zero military knowledge, they demoted her to Gamma. A week of GAU, and she was once again demoted. For the next few months, she was shuffled down the line. From Gamma to Theta, from Theta to Standard. With each demotion, her self-esteem fell. At each level, they tried to train her to withstand the power of her own shockwaves, and failed. She fell from Standard to Weakened, where she lasted a total of two weeks. Finally, after one too many self-inflicted concussion, Ellie received the notice that she was being demoted to the lowest possible level. The UAU. Useless. [b]Personality:[/b] Months of being shuffled through the ranks have taken a serious toll on Ellie's self-esteem. She is unable to acknowledge any amount of worth to her own powers. However, she is selflessly supportive of others. She is a confidant, naturally trustworthy and always willing to listen to another's story. Months of being pushed to consecutively give herself conscussions has taken its toll. She suffers mild headaches, frequent tinnitus, and is slightly hard of hearing.