[hider=Sally Williams][b]Name[/b]: Sally Williams [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 27 Years Old [b]Appearance[/b]: A frumpy but slim woman who often dons an over-sized blouse tucked into a long skirt with black tights and Mary Janes. There is something almost distinctly neotenic about her face however masked behind thick framed glasses and unkempt bangs. Although her hair is almost always a mess that sticks which way and that, she generally has the back of it pulled into a (unintentionally) side-swept bun. Despite her bedraggled appearance, Sally is a person of extreme normality; nothing about her stands out—dull brown hair and eyes, a figure hidden under heavy clothes, and a quiet untempered voice. [b]Talent[/b]: Although well-trained in a variety of ghost tracking equipment, Sally has never actually seen any kind of paranormal activity via said equipment and thus doesn't have any experience with such occurrences even though she can set up, monitor, and understand the jumbled mess of information that is recorded on her complicated machines. Perhaps not ghost savvy but definitely technically skilled, Sally has various odd skills that she has assembled over the years including basic paramedic/EMT knowledge, polysomnography, abnormal psychology, and the unfortunate ability to edit video feeds and photography (*see history below). [b]Background[/b]: A blocked memory or perhaps there was nothing [b]for[/b] her to remember, an inordinate trauma at a young age has caused Sally a lifetime of obsession, seeking answers where there are none to be found. When she was but nine years old several children including herself had been whisked away by some unknown entity in broad daylight. It caused a panic among the community; police and search dogs had been sent all around town, locals tried to help in any way they could, but after a month of looking the search was called off. However, three months afterwards, some of the children were returned to their homes, standing at the front doors in the middle of the night crying and/or confused, Sally was one of those children. Three of the kids were never found. While none remember what happened (or if it even happened but the news articles are still documented both online and archived in the local libraries to prove it did) all the returning children ended up with some sort of trauma. Some were unlucky, no longer able to function in reality anymore but Sally managed to come out with her sanity intact...Although becoming introverted and obsessed with the supernatural. Soon after her return home her family decided to move; Sally had become obsessed, following paths and imitating events she had thought had happened and her parents no longer wanted to live in a place with such bad memories, especially one that was effecting the mental health of their only daughter. They ended up moving into the city but Sally didn't change, if anything her obsession progressively got worse and once she graduated from high school she refused to further her education or find a steady job instead spending her time wandering places that were rumored to be haunted with nothing but the disposable cameras she could afford on her own and surfing the web for information about capturing the paranormal on film. Her parents were aware of her strange hobby but not to the extent it was. Sally wanted to prove [i]something[/i], but she didn't know what exactly. Unable to maintain a job and dedicate as much time to her "hobby" as she would like, Sally eventually came into the company of a phony ghost hunting "reality" TV show aptly titled [i]Haunted[/i]. Unfortunately her passions for filming ghosts was mistaken as a very convincing audition and while given the part, she soon realized that her fellow cast members were all frauds with little interest in actually finding spirits but promoting their image and soon-to-follow product line. Rarely on screen and mostly in the background, she had learned how to handle the equipment given to her but at the same time was expected to make the staged hauntings look as "real as possible". However soul-crushing she found the whole experience to be, Sally held out in the hope that she would experience a genuine haunting some day, it never happened. By the second season the show had become popular but she was replaced by season three for someone more eye catching and sociable. She took the money from her time on TV to buy her own equipment and truly dedicate herself to studying the paranormal though even with said high-tech equipment she has never had an experience with any kind of paranormal activity. She adapted her own methods for using the equipment and mostly spent her time going from one place to another monitoring locations that were rumored to be haunted and logging all and every bit of data she recorded, ultimately with no proof or success on her end. But it couldn't last forever and her money has almost dwindled into obscurity, making her desperate to find another gig. [b]Tidbits[/b]: [i]Equipment[/i]: EMF Meter, EVP Recorders, Electric Thermometers and Mercury Thermometer, Laser Grids, Infrared Lights, Digital and Non-Digital Photography Camera, Assortment of Video Cameras (All equip; Waterproof, night vision, high definition, and infrared), DVR Systems, Headsets, Radio, Walkie-talkies [i]Medical Equipment[/i]; EEG, EOG, EMG, EKG[/hider]