Luke yelled as his arm was twisted off the girl, jumping back and away from the couple to gather his thoughts. Jaii just [i]fought back[/i]. He would learn his place soon enough… “This is the Evans girl- Rick’s mate, and I caught here and Jaii- well, like this!” he stammered, pointing to the couple while speaking to Sam. “I didn’t know she would be whoring around when I invited her into this pack!” Vera wasn’t even paying attention to the man yelling like someone had personally wounded him. Somebody had finally taken her side in this struggle between her father and Luke’s pack. Part of her felt guilty for being the cause of this fight, but she felt so relieved that she said nothing. But…he was asking for forgiveness…why would he do that? Vera’s mind was making up all kinds of reasons, most assuming that Jaii was going to give into his father and leave her to be under Rick’s control. Just as she was closing her eyes, letting herself enjoy the last bit of warmth from his embrace gave her, he started moving her sleeve to expose more skin. It was about this time Rick showed up, and his eyes widened at the sight. “That’s my true mate you’re touching! You just can’t keep your hands to yourself, can you Jaii?” he screamed, but a look from Luke kept him from moving forward. This was between him and his son. Before Rick or Luke could get any other insults out, Vera felt a stinging pain in her shoulder that traveled down her arm. The girl opened her eyes with a gasp, too stunned to move. Jaii had marked her as his own without even asking! “What the hell!” she screamed, putting a hand to the bite to stop the bleeding, though it was very little. Her body had accepted it as a marking, and would heal quickly to become a scar that was meant to symbolize love and partnership. Vera had yelled more out of surprise and annoyance at being interrupted than at him being her mate. Afterall, she was feeling the bond too, it just came down to whether she wanted to fight it or not. Already Jaii had told Luke he was leaving the pack; looked like she wasn’t the only one getting a shock today. “You can’t leave,” Luke growled, taking a step back, balling his hands into tight fists. Yet Jaii had already parted ways, they both knew it. The presence of his son was gone from his mind, and it outraged him. He was not going to let his son leave only for him to worry about when he would come back and try to destroy the Claymore pack. Jaii had never fought back before, surely a few swipes with his claws would teach the boy a lesson. “Outside, Jaii. Now. After I’m through with you there won’t be anything for Vera to hold onto,” he growled, already unbutton his shirt. “I can’t believe you would bloody [i]mark[/i] her just to get your way!” Vera was a cluster of overwhelming emotions. The woman leaned against the wall and fell to her knees, just wishing she could go back to her own home, her own bed. She was marked and bound to a Talon, her worst nightmare. Were things always going to be like this, constant fighting? But he had left the pack…what did that mean for them?