[center][img]http://mindpetals.com/wp-content/images/camelot.gif[/img][/center] The King of Briton, Uther Pendragon, is dead. The kingdom he conquered and united is now in disarray. Mordred le Fey, Uther's stepson and Lot, Lord of the Orkney Islands, now war with each other. The lands are ravaged, the people starving and without hope. The only solace the common folk find is in the ways and teachings of the new faith, Christianity. As more and more people accept the dogma of Jesus Christ, the old way has begun to die out. The fey creatures are vanishing, and what little magic there was in the world has begun to wax and wane. Some say that the change is inevitable. Others still say that without the spirits of nature, the land will soon die. The only thing that is known for sure is that Mordred and Lot will turn the land into ash with their war. But not all is lost. Every year since Uther's death, a great tournament is held on Easter Sunday. The winner of this tournament is given a chance to pull Uther's sword, Excalibur, from a great stone. With his dying breath, Uther cast the sword into the mighty stone, claiming that only his heir would be able to pull it free. Many have tried, including both Mordred and Lot, but the sword remains. This year, nearly 18 years after Uther's death, a young boy named Arthur, goes to the tournament as his older brother's squire. Little does he know, that his fate, and that of the realm are to be revealed to him. -------------------------------------------------------------- This is going to be a King Arthur RPG. The Players can play the role of any of the Knights of the Roundtable as they help Arthur become King of Briton. So far the characters available are: Guinevere: Jagajac Lancelot: Witchchild Gawain: Pelinore: Bors: Tristan: Wonderlandalli Lamorak: More rules are forth coming, but so far I only have 2. 1. Try to keep it as realistic as possible. No crazy Kratos characters of hate and rage. 2. If any one wants to Rule 63 any of the knights, they are allowed to do so. Here's a character sheet: Name: Age: Description: (Picture's or words are acceptable) Personality: Weapons and equipment: Backstory: I know this is kind of a work in progress, but I wanted to get this up and ready. Enjoy, and good questing. ------------------------------------ [center][img]http://www.wearysloth.com/Gallery/ActorsM/11173-10496.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Name: Arthur Pendragon Age: 18 Personality: Brave, compassionate, humorous, but hesitant and in over his head. [/center] [center][img]http://sbg-sword-store.sword-buyers-guide.com/media/Valiant/cf408.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Excalibur appears to be an average looking longsword, but in the hands of it's true owner, it softly shines white and hums. If anyone were to use Excalibur other than Arthur, it would not behave any differently than any other sword, but wielded by Arthur, it makes a mockery of even the strongest armor and rends flesh and bone with ease. [/center] [center]Backstory: Originally, Arthur lived as Arthur, son of Ector. In truth, he is the son of Uther Pendragon and Igraine of Cornwall. When Arthur was only a week old, his father was betrayed and killed. To protect him, Merlin put him into Ector's care. Now a young man, he yearns to be a knight like his brother Kay (who is only a mere 6 months older than Arthur). Ector has refused him so far, but Arthur always has a habit of getting himself into trouble...[/center]