[quote=UnseenShade] The Kossith woman focused upon the now drunk dwarf. "Do you know why people hate magic so much anymore? You seemed academically versed, so I figured you would know if anyone." She scooted her chair closer as she returned to her normal sitting position and took another healthy drink from her flask. She kept an eye on some of the drunker patrons as they were beginning to move about as someone shouted about danger. She was not too fond of involving herself or her magic, but if her current companions felt the need, she would follow along and end the conflict. [/quote] [center][b]Gavlan[/b][/center] Gavlan took time to put the question together just in case he might of gotten the information wrong at first he didn't blurt out something entirely different."Let me think for a second, could of waited until tomorrow for this question though?" Gavlan said in a grumble thinking on what he might know on the matter. Having to sell items, be them legal or not, let him get his hands on a lot of information that he might of skimmed over. After all he might as well know what he is selling before actually selling it, especially with certain items. He might of been a smuggler but even he had his limits on what he would smuggle into a city. "I remember reading something on the Neverran Accord. Basically the start of the Templars and the Seeker's of Truth," he said as he racked his brain on any info he might of had on the subject ",From my recollection there is really no main reason on why the Chantry has a strong distaste for magic. Perhaps it has to do with the whole story of the magisters who supposedly entered the Golden City in the Fade, the place where the Maker lived and tainted it. Thus they became the first Darkspawn as the Chantry tells it. Also could of been because of the Tevinter Imperium as a whole. They embraced magic quite a lot, still do even if I remember right but that place is to human infested and not for your type of mages. They like to keep qunari or kossith as slaves and have a long war going on with them. Doesn't matter if you are with the Qun or not, they won't care. I don't know where it stems from honestly but my guess it has something to do with the magisters and the Tevinter Imperium. In any case the reasons why it started doesn't matter. The Chantry came to light after your suspended animation began so it happen shortly after the first Blight was stopped. Other then that I can't give you much else. The Chantry has no place to us dwarves, we prefer our own religion." "How come this is the first time I've learn about such news you know so much on magic?" Zeynep asked, impressed by what the dwarf actually knew. "Simple you never asked," Gavlan said which made Zeynep lightly slap the back of his head ",Please don't do that again, the room barely stays still as is. I shouldn't of taken that bet."