I apologize for the Double post, but I have an update: Rule number 4 was originally to post within one week of the last post made or get left behind. This way there's a bit of leniency, as I understand that nobody is free all the time. However, My Fellow/Co-GM, Petulant, has brought to light that perhaps that rule is a bit TOO lenient, and we prefer to wait until as many people posts as possible before we post and progress the plot. Worse case scenario: Everybody posts right at the due date each time, which means about 5-10 weeks without the RP technically moving. While that is indeed simply the WCS, there is still the possibility of this taking a while to move forward. Ergo, Unless a better suggestion is made, The deadline is a week after the GMs (Me and Petulant) post. As a way of Apologizing for this inconvenience, since I posted a couple days ago, I'm giving you two extra days this time to post, that way you have 7 days, a week, rather then five. Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.