Alright everyone, the OOC's first post has been updated and edited. I ask you at least skim it so we're all on the same page. Ask any questions if need be, and we'll get started in about 24 hours! I didn't mention it above, but when posting, I ask you try to match what the general amount is being posted. The exception to this rule is the first post. I and probably at least someone else here enjoy making a long first post. Don't be intimidated; just go with it. In all of this just go with it. No need to ask me if something is in a room. For example, if you are in the barracks, and you want to find a sword or something, just write it. As long as you are logical and simple about it I have no issues with slight assumptions. Same goes with battles; if we're in a desert, you can find rocks. If we are in cities, your options are more open. Again, just question me. I am a fallible human and sometimes I don't make sense. Call me out on it. You're not here for me. You're here so we can all have a good time doing what we like doing. I'll be online most of today to answer and questions, and the first IC will be in in most likely the next 12-24 hours. See you then! -HYS