[b]Adam[/b] After watching the young boy walked away, Adam stood there in silence. This whole situation didn’t sit well with him. The boy had the voice a 12 year old, but the way he spoke to the group seemed off to him. “He doesn’t speak with the attitude of a child his age. It’s almost like he has had much more time to mature than what he appears to be….” He said out loud. He didn’t say it to spark conversation, but he to vocalize his thought process. Adam began looking around one more time and realized that the loud girl from before began to charge off after the boy. Adam stood there for a few more second and decided to go after the boy too. That boy had answers, and with those answers came power over those around him. Adam realized this and knew that everyone eventually would have to follow him. By the time that Adam reached the cliff, the loud girl was demanding answers from the boy. He watched as the girl laid out question after question and demanded an answer to all of them. “She does have a couple of valid questions. I expect that you will answer these when everyone gathers at this spot, right?” Adam asked. He didn’t expect an answer, but it was a smart idea to at least try to dig for a little information. He walked over to the cliffs edge and sat down. He let one leg hang over the edge, and just stared out into the distance. He watched as the water fell from the waterfall and slowly make its way from the pool and into the treeline. He began to wonder why we were all taken to this specific spot, but didn’t ask. He figured the answer would come in time. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]John[/b] John was relieved when the boy said that nothing had happened to the rest of the students, but was reluctant to follow the boy when he began to walk through the woods. He stayed in the clearing for a little bit and watched over the other kids that stayed behind. He watched has one of his students tried to leave only to find himself back at the clearing a few minutes later. This made John curios and decided to try to leave the clearing as well. After a few minutes of walking, sure enough, he emerged back into the clearing. “Fascinating” He said. He then walked over to the group of students. He overheard the boy that was first tried to leave the clearing voice his concerns for his sister. “ I understand your concern. If you want my opinion, the quickest way to see your sister is if all of us hurry up and follow that boy. The faster we figure out what's going on, the quicker we can get you to your sister.” he said with a sympathetic tone. He then turned around made a follow me motion and began to follow the enigmatic boys path.