Corraich took up place at the rear of their motley crew after realising that the elf Airthel knew his stuff when it came to tracking. Probably go as far to say he was as good as a Chasind, which is no small compliment. The elf set a steady pace, the further out from Val Royeux they got the tougher the trek became. The Wilder didn't envy the Grey Warden in his armour then, he could only imagine what a sweaty mess the man must be on the inside. Eventually the group found a trail of blood and arrows, as ominous a sign as Corraich had ever seen. The grizzly tracks led them to a small grove, puddles of congealing blood dotting the forest floor. "Never a good sign," he muttered under his breath, long years of practice telling him now would be a good time to ready his axe. The Warden crossed over to one of the puddles and took himself a little taste. Probably one of the stranger sights Corraich had seen, stranger still was the fact that the man knew what human blood tasted like. The Wilder didn't like that little revelation about his new companion one bit, but never got a chance to pass comment on it before the grove exploded into action. "Wolves!" cried the warden, several grey shapes flitting from the tree line and charging the little fellowship. The mangy beast looked half starved, strange when there's so many refugees about. The big barbarian didn't dwell to long on that though, not if he wanted to live through this wee encounter. One of the bigger beasts peeled off from the group, howling as it pounced at Corraich. The wolf was too quick for the Chasind to bring his long-axe to bare, instead his left arm shot out to grasp the rabid animal's throat in a vice like grip. He held it there, suspended in the air as it pawed at him uselessly, snarling like a demon in the Chantry. He snarled at it in return, before throwing it back to the ground. The wolf hit the floor with a yelp, but before it could get its bearings the big man drove his axe deep into the beasts belly, putting paid to anymore resistance. A quick scan revealed that the other beasts had been dealt with, save two that were on fire. Airthel took down one with an impressive bit of shooting, so Corraich strode to the other, a fall of his axe putting the creature out of it's misery. "Where's the Warden?" he grunted at the two elves, before noticing all the wolves taken down by Dalish arrows, more arrows than Airthel could have possibly fired in the short fight. The big man lifted his axe to a fighting position once more, his practiced eyes scanning the undergrowth for any other surprises.