"I can do that. It is, after all, for my own safety."she said after he gave her some rules to live by

She looked at him for a moment then asked, "But... you'll still teach me as well... correct? With self defense and the basics? Right?"

He nodded as she finished and then said, "Of course I will. I promised. I never break my promises."

She then smiled at him, "What next?"

He took a step towards her "Well we will practice you throwing me on my back" he said with a smile.

He then said," what most untrained men do when they are going to attack an unarmed girl is to use their strength and to subdue you quickly, much like that man did to you before. A simple way to turn his energy to his is this." He moved toward her slowly his arms outstretched towards her. If I were running or moving quickly towards you, I expect you to duck push back or be frozen with fear. What I don't expect is you to take your hands and to grab my forearms from below and push up, then turning your hip so you face away from me, my momentum will hit you, but because ou are lower than me your center of Gavity will buck mine. Knocking my legs from under me." He then moved back. "You ready?"