[quote=UnseenShade] Rasie listened intently and chuckled softly when Zeynep smacked him. "Dwarves may be able to hold a lot of alcohol, but they still succumb to it eventually. At any rate, what do you two think about the person that came in and screamed about some type of trouble? Do we need to stick our noses in it or should we lay low for a bit?" She grasped her crossbow, just in case the others wished to do something, but she was not sure what was going on or why. To her, any trouble here was normal considering how dense the population was currently. She assumed everyone needed something done and someone had stepped on another person's toes along the way. [/quote] [center][b]Zeynep and Gavlan[/b][/center] "You two are hardly going to be able to stay low. I mean how many qunari are there in Orlais?" Gavlan replied and dodged another attack by Zeynep ",I'm just being honest. Anyway, I guess we could but our noses in, isn't like we are going to do much else here, plus maybe we can get some pay out of it." "The dwarf has a point but I'm not standing next to him if there is combat, he might not be drunk entirely but mixing that much alchol with an axe. I would like to keep my head," Zeynep answered standing up and deciding on leading the way out behind the person who had just broke a man's nose. Gavlan followed as well those his walk wasn't entirely straight though despite perhaps bumping into a few people's legs, no one would both him as he brandished his axe on the way out.