(Wayward's post should be following soon, but for now we can start with the Dark Apprentices) Fallen Jungle. A world perched on the edge of the World Cluster, the brink of oblivion, beyond which stretched what seemed like an infinite horizon of empty space. The world was a forgotten one. In ages past Fallen Jungle was believed to be home to nothing more than dangerous jungle beasts, empty ruins and the occasional vagrant. Some time ago, before the Battle of Ancient Desert and the twilight that followed, Keybearers would venture to the far-flung jungle world every now and again; some would come on expeditions to sate their curiosity, others as a test of their mettle, and some still in order to hide from the watchful eyes of the Cluster. However, over the years, interest in the Jungle steadily waned. Now, it's regarded as a dead world... ... how little the Cluster knows. [center]* * * * *[/center] The jungle was quiet that day. The usual sounds of the birds, the animals, the weather, all were softened inside the temple complex. A rather large and imposing, if slightly rundown temple broke through the canopy and showed only a simple stone top through the greenery. The surrounding area was dense flora, making the modest clearing that housed the ruins seem impregnable. For those that did manage to make it through the walls of vines, thorns, and other dangers, a centuries old- structure would greet them; made out of what looked like sandstone, the temple stood at a decent height of twenty feet, drooping a little to one side due to structural damage. The outside walls still bore remnants of paint from whatever society put up the building in the first place: here and there, small pieces of what seemed to be murals remained, creating a tragically broken narrative across the gritty stone. The entrance was a simple gap in the stone. The inside appeared to radiate darkness. Small, shadowy tendrils licked at the outer walls. Within the temple, down a corridor or two and past an ancient gathering room, sat an elderly man on a throne of blackened stone. He rested casually, leaning back into the rock, with his hands folded on his lap. He seemed to be staring impossibly far, past the walls, past the vines of the jungle, lost in contemplation. And so Axeus would sit, sometimes for hours on end, simply pondering, planning, checking for errors and mentally rectifying them. Axeus sighed, resting his cheek on his hand. "Is this what old age is like?" Axeus mumbled. "Sitting, thinking, withering? How I miss the days of battle, where every moment could have been my last... the days on Old Bastion, where the tensions ran so high they were almost tangible." He held a crooked hand forward, beckoning at nothing. "Yuan Lao, my ancient rival. You ousted us from our home, but we still survived... and now, an age of Darkness will engulf the cluster. The twilight will give way to dusk, and dusk to night." Axeus paused as footsteps thumped on the stone, through the corridors and toward his throne room. He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees, his hands folded just underneath his eyes. Soon the person came into view: a young woman, no older than twenty, with short, prematurely gray hair and a dark robe strode forth. Upon locking eyes with Axeus she fell to a knee, head bent toward the floor. Axeus recognized the woman as a captain of his Darkwatch, a group of spies and scouts that kept tabs on Fallen Jungle for him. He wasn't the only one on the world, after all; there were other members of the dark faction, and while they had a tenuous and unspoken peace treaty, he still felt it necessary to keep an eye on them. Self-preservation was the nature of his faction, after all. "Ah, Captain Veros. Stand," the woman obeyed. "You realize you interrupted my thoughts, yes?" Veros's lips moved to speak, but paused for a moment. Before continuing, she put a fist to her left breast, a display of fealty and duty. "Apologies, my Lord. Important news. May I speak?" "Granted." "Two unidentified persons have entered Fallen Jungle. One is using a Keyblade glider and one is using a beat-up gummi ship... not even sure how they managed to get it flying." "Hmmm..." Axeus grumbled. "Someone coming on a glider, eh? Any information on the two of them?" "A preliminary [i]Scan[/i] revealed that the girl in the gummi ship is a Keybearer as well. She harbors an immense amount of darkness in her heart, though the boy on the glider..." Veros looked down. "He's a bit more complicated." Axeus raised an eyebrow, allowing her to continue speaking. "He appears as a bright light wrapped in a sheet of darkness. Of course, this was just a simple [i]Scan[/i], it won't tell us everything." Axeus spent a moment in thought before answering. Two Keybearers, one in a gummi ship, the other on a glider; one a well of darkness, the other a light hidden with shade. Why did they come to Fallen Jungle? What did they seek? Normally, Axeus would simply let Veros handle the matter, and should something big come up, he would step in, but something was different today. There were two gaps in Axeus's plan that he had been pondering just as she had walked in... yes, today he would take a more forward approach. Destiny called. "You did well bringing this to my attention, Veros. The powers of darkness beckon me, and I will heed their call." "Lord?" Veros asked with a bow, awaiting instruction. "Mobilize two groups. I want you to go to the boy on the Glider personally, along with two other scouts. Ground him by force, if necessary. Send Captain Zivahl to do the same to the gummi ship, have the girl land in this clearing. If they are hostile, kill them. If not, bring them to me." Veros saluted and turned on her heel, immediately going to complete the order. Axeus stood from his throne. A smile, almost too big for his face, stretched outward, casing teeth to bare. He went to track down Tendra, likely somewhere in the temple, and inform him of the new development. [center]* * * * *[/center] From out of the jungle canopy rose three figures on Keyblade Gliders, adorned in matching armor. They formed a triangular formation around the beat-up gummi ship. Captain Zivahl looked at the thing with disdain. How trashy it was! No self-respecting Keybearer would ride in such a mess. "Pilot of the gummi ship," Zivahl yelled. "You are to follow me to a clearing up ahead. Do not stray from our course or we will bring you down." If the pilot complied, she would be lead swiftly to the clearing in which the temple resided, and Axeus within it. [center]* * * * *[/center] In another part of the jungle, a separate group of Keybearers formed a similar triangular shape around the boy on the Keyblade Glider. Captain Veros didn't know what Axeus wanted with the boy, but if it was his command she would follow it. She looked over to him and pointed downward. "Land it, now." Should he comply, they too would land with him.