The boy waited silently until the last of the taken individuals made their way out of the treeline and out into the open space. Many were close, as if they expected him to answer their questions only to have to repeat his answer again and again for the others. Others kept their distance. Those ones were smarter. He was most interested in the young man with the white hair, who had stopped on the edge of the open space and was now staring up at the sun. Curious one. The boy stirred and stood. The noise of voices was cut off as sharp as if it had been cut. The breath of each and every person gathered caught as an electric tingle shot up their spine. The boy had not made it painful, but he hadn't needed to. All he needed was a moment's silence. "Welcome," the boy said. "As I said, I am the one who brought you to this place. I will be your keeper and guardian for a time, starting now. I do hope you all will get along for a bit." “Now then, as for where you are,” he said, addressing the crowd. The boy stepped off of the edge of his stage and fell soundlessly onto the ground. He walked over to the rocks next to the waterfall and stuck his hand into a crack in the rock. Something in the rock clicked, and a second later the entire waterfall turned, revealing a walkway carved into the rock where the waterfall had been. At the end of the walkway was a metal door set into the stone. “You are home. Or at least, what will be your home for the next few months.” He should have been shouted at, should have been laughed at. He was just a boy, but he acted like he was in charge. But he had just made a waterfall open up to reveal a hidden doorway. It was completely hidden. If they went through that doorway, no one would ever be able to find them from the outside. Standing just feet from the curtain of water, no one would think to look behind it. The boy spoke again, “This place will be your home. I would like to say you are free to leave, but that would be a lie. Once you walk through that door you will not be able to leave without my permission.” He paused, allowing for people to object.