Ifrit looked up to his master, startled by the sudden appearance. Though he had been unable to lull himself to sleep, he had fallen into a trance-like state of rest as he waited to reenter the world of the living. As the slight glow pierced through the murky blackness that surrounded him, he shook off the grip of that state. He felt a strange chill run through his body suddenly, as he was jerked back into his living body. The heavy form immediately crashed to the ground, shuddering the small chamber. As he slowly stood up, he flexed his obsidian muscles, glad to have been restored to his former glory. As Ifrit regained his senses, he realized the smog that filled his chamber. Though it would be lethal to most mortal creatures, he took a deep breath of the smoke, feeling reinvigorated if anything. [b]"Yes, this will do nicely."[/b] He replied. At the second inquiry, a deep laughter filled the smoke filled room. The smoke began to drain from the room, being absorbed into the cracks in Ifrits skin. [b]"Yes. I do have a slight passion for savagery. What do I need to kill?"[/b] He asked, a malicious glint in his fiery eyes. As he spoke, he flexed his claws, the sharp talons scraping loudly against the rocky floor, leaving a rather large scratch.