Mr. House allows a menagerie of people to enter the Lucky 38, everyone from business associates, to "personnel." The Lucky 38 will be a slight slight challenge, compared to some of the query of the Legion or the NCR. You can't even get to the Legion Camp without passage on a boat guided by his men. Lets conveen on a closer matter, and assemble the plot in stages. Where would you all like to start off?Secondly, I call dibs on the Survivalist/Beast Companion Character. I have had one made for months, and haven't got to use it yet.

I agree with this. I think we should start off in a camp across the water (and maybe hidden in a bunker?) close to the Legion. We don't need to RP a lengthy ass trek cause booooooooring.

Also, I think with this amount of interest one character each is sufficient. I really don't see any point in mucking it up with multiple characters. I am always for introduction of NPCs that we can all control though.

I'm going for female ex legion. Studies Deathclaws and other assorted beasts from a scientific point of view. A little insane and sometimes hard to understand because she spends time jumping from academia to beast mentality. Limited social skills. Left the Legion because she couldn't understand random brutality of people, though, ironically enough she has warmed up to the idea as her studies drove her insane.

You know what though? I really wouldn't mind playing a scientist still working for the Legion.