[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lojwshukXp1qzasudo1_500.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b] Keith Hatcher [b]Age[/b] Nineteen. (19) [b]Also Known As[/b] Chaos - Although the people that knows him by this are most-likely dead. [b]Appearance[/b] Keith is a tall, lean, and muscular young man that sports the build most would see in athletes. He has constantly half-lidded purple eyes that seems too relaxed and observatory for someone with his appearance and powers. His hair is weird - basically a giant mess of wavy, feathery black hair that goes in between his eyes, over his ears, and around his head in a sort of bird's nest-like thing; he obviously doesn't use a comb or brush, but, for some reason, the hairstyle looks endearing on him. He usually keeps on a purple and white hoodie, dark black jeans, and comfortable sneakers, while his black backpack is strung over his shoulders - he likes keeping on his small backpack for some reason. [b]Abilities[/b] Keith, or Chaos as his alias dictates, has the ability to manipulate and use the Kinetic Energy stored inside of his body. Thismeans that he can use the energy to make his physical attacks immensely more powerful - which is used whenever fatal blows are necessary, considering Keith's regular attributes are naturally enhanced due to the chaotic Kinetic Energy that's constantly swirling through his bloodstream. Keith can also channel the energy outside of his body to use in a variety of different ways. The energy itself is usually multicolored, although the common colors are purple, black, and red - usual colors associated with chaotic mythology. He can blast a stream of Kinetic Energy from his feet, to jet himself through the air in a manner reminiscent of flying or floating. Keith can also use the Energy in standard blasts of energy, which will, once impacted with something, simply send them flying with the force of a speeding truck, or even explode on impact with the force of C4 or an actual live grenade. The Kinetic Energy can also be channeled into objects to make it, virtually, a ticking time-bomb or an instant bomb. When items are charged with Kinetic Energy, it is evident by a purple glow. The limitations to this is rather obvious and normal. The energy will diminish after constant, 24/7 use, and will have to be recharged with food or drink - which is why Keith stuffs his face with Doritos and Sprite almost constantly. If the Kinetic Energy is overfilling his body, Keith can accidentally explode - it won't harm him, but it can harm anyone around him - whether it be ally or enemy, so Keith has to do things to bite away at the corners of his energy - be it exploding dice, or using it around himself in numerous other ways - which can sort of give away his 'X-Genes' secrecy. He also has to have actual physical contact with things to charge them with Kinetic Energy. [b]View on Mutants[/b] Since he is a mutant, Keith's pretty much like 'Fuck the racists'. However, since he's a bit too chilled to really care about it, he doesn't care much about mutant rights or whatever. He does hate the annoying pricks that thinks they're so high-and-mighty when compared to a mutant, and so he goes out of his way to be rebellious. [b]Personality[/b] Keith is probably one of the chilliest guys you'd ever see on this earth. His eyes are constantly half-lidded and laidback, and the boy seems to take everything in stride, already adapting to this whole x-gene thing. He has the tendency to say 'dude' a lot, and vehemently dissuades any observations of him being constantly high. He's a relatively kind guy as long as he likes you, and, along with dude, any variation of 'motherfuckin' is enjoyable to utter. Despite everything pointing to the fact that Keith is just an extremely laidback and cool man, he often goes on 'nightly pillages' where he, basically, purged the city from criminals by beating their asses. It's not because he hates crime; it's just to practice and flex his powers, and criminals and crooks are the easiest targets to take out without the feds getting on your ass. Keith tends to be the fan of the 'fist-bump', and although he's passive unless bothered, you wouldn't want to make him mad or angry - which is relatively hard in it's own right. He'll blow your head off with an energy blast before sticking grenades down the bloody cavity and blowing your corpse into smithereens. Over-all a really chilled, funny, loyal, and exotic guy that has mood swings like you wouldn't believe. Seems to be developing sociopathic tendencies due to this 'superpowers' thing, but since he's so chilled and calm, you won't even know it. It shows because of how brutal and graphic his way of fighting is - and because he doesn't hesitate with anything - even if it's something morally wrong. [b]History[/b] Keith's life isn't anything terribly tragic or interesting. He lived in a rather shitty apartment somewhere in the city, with no one else but himself, sadly. His mother died during birth, and his father was killed on the front lines. He was originally in an orphanage, before he was anonymously emancipated, and started receiving a daily stipend from the government. Due to this, he was able to afford his apartment, along with a better education, and eventually, college, where he plays quite a bit of sports. When he noticed his mutation, at the age of 18, it was when he was arm-wrestling some jock prick and he sort of...slammed the dude's hand through the table...a steel table. He was always physically more capable than his other classmates, but that was sort of odd. Thankfully no one looked too far into it - the guy had to go to the hospital, and his arm was completely shredded and broken, but it was all blamed on faulty furniture. For a full year, Keith has been training his power in secret, and sharpening the powers on the numerous scum that dots the city. [b]Other[/b] Keith loves the feeling of running and jetting across buildings at night, since it makes him feel like some sort of uber ninja God or some shit. His favorite snacks are Doritos and soda. Lots of soda..[/center]