Maximus shuffled around the streets of Val Royeaux, getting a drink, avoiding refugees, basically just trying to pass the time until he was called upon to defend Orlais from the Blight. Ferelden had already resigned itself to its fate. There was nothing more he could do. If the Blight could not be stopped in Ferelden, he and his fellow Grey Wardens would have to stop it here. He stepped into one of the many taverns in the city. This particular one he was staying in. It was one of the lower end taverns, as Maximus didn't have much money. It was just expensive enough to not be packed full of refugees. Sure, he could have just stayed in the Grey Wardens' Headquarters in the country, but he didn't really like it that much; not enough privacy. He sat down at a table and a bar maid came up to him. "Just an ale will do, my dear." In no time, a mug and a bottle of ale was in front of him. [i]If there's one redeeming quality about this tavern, it's the fast service.[/i] Mumbling a "thank you" to the bar maid, he picked up the bottle and poured the icy cold liquid into the metal mug.