[i]Space... The First Frontier...[/i] Or at least it was for Kotaro. It was the first time he has ever left his home for any reason, and never did he expect to do so on a Keyblade glider like this one. To him it was amazing this was even possible, that a simple weapon could turn into a vehicle for safe travel. It wasn't much in terms of design though, simply a triangular platform with a pedestal sticking out the its top end that had the controls, which were also quite basic; simply a indention in the shape of his left hand, which was actually flat until he placed his hand on it as if it was made of clay, and rod on the right of it to rev the engines for speed, slow it down, change directions, and by bending it up and down, he can control his ascent and descent. The design of it was beautiful though: A golden glider lined in ivory and decorated with diamond-shaped, clean-cut-and-polished sapphires across back of the pedestal. ...Or at least it would be beautiful, if 95% of the glider wasn't wrapped in ebony cloth. Streams of cloth were wrapped around the glider in such a messy and chaotic fashion, akin to a poorly-wrapped Christmas present with some of the cloth loose and hanging in the zero gravity of space. He heard that space-travel was a bit dangerous, and while he may not have to worry too much about whatever danger comes with travelling unprotected, he couldn't take the chance. Luckily, One of the villagers gave him a gift, supposedly given by his friend when he was still alive. A fragment of his left shoulder armor by the looks of it, but moment he pressed his hand on it, it became a full set of armor, which was, oddly enough, a perfect fit. However, the design was more akin to a Dark Keybearer then his keyblade, understandable since it was taken from his friend and not something representing him. It was almost all black with crimson red linings across it, detailing the shapes of the abdomens and the veins of his arms as it reaches and covers the hands in blood-red. The helmet covered his face, masking the nose and mouth while placing a visor over the eyes like a usual helmet of this kind of armor. The red lines connect to the helmet and goes up tot he top in two different paths on the left and right of the face, the top decorated with what appeared to the the wings of a raven. The fact that the armor wasn't at all bulky suggest it was designed more for maneuverability and agility, rather then full defensive quality. Plus it has the extra addition of Kotaro's cape sticking out of it. Though, unlike how he uses it without the armor, it's clear the cape here is simply for decorative purposes only. As he flew through the darkness of space, looking at the stars in the distance, he couldn't help but stay in awe at this scenery as the stars seem like they fly right past him, and others come into sight from the distance. Coming and going by with seemingly no end. It was hard to explain what he was seeing, But the starts in the sky gives way to light of colors in the depths of space, only for it to turn black by the time he reached the Fallen Jungle. The world itself, looking at it from space, looked naturally beautiful in his mind. From where he was he could see the trees covering the world, and could see the plants and animals below them. To any normal person, this was probably nothing much, or even something to be more terrified of, but Kotaro? He was awe-struck. Being raised in his village for so long, he's never seen anything like this before. Beneath the helmet were eyes wide-open and a big smile of excitement. This was the start of something great, he could feel it in his bones. Without hesitation or fear, he dived down into the airspace of the jungle, the blackness and stars turning into a familiar blue sky as he looks down at the jungle below. It was even more amazing then it looked from space. He couldn't help but wander around the sky to look down at everything. However before he could do that, along came a few people, going around him in the Triangular formation. ...That's right, if this place is where his friend's master was, it's possible there were also plenty of others with keyblades, and with them gliders, as well. They didn't look too friendly, but considering that he did just enter into a territory where he's an unknown person, it's understandable that they aren't welcoming him at first. "[b]Land it, now.[/b]" One of them said, pointing down towards the ground. Whether or not she's the leader of these three didn't matter, the last thing he wants is to make a bad first impression. With that in mind, he nodded to her in response and tried to find an open area to land so that they wouldn't get hurt when they land as well. When he found one, he stopped the machine and bent the right rod downwards, dropping the glider to the ground...rather hard making him drop off and slamming the back of his head to the ground. ...Well, it's a good thing he had that armor on him, or that would have hurt far more then it did. He took a second to get up, and looked around. "[b]Wow...[/b]" was all he could say as he saw the jungle around him. It's hard to believe, but he definitely is on a new world now, and what a place to start with. He then noticed the three who ordered him to land earlier. ...That's right, he almost forgot about them. He then stood to attention and looked at them, his glider vanishing and his keyblade appearing in his hand, the cloth wrapped around it and his cape flapping in the wind. "[b]I'd...urrm....I'd like to apologize for intruding...I'm not here to cause any trouble. ...Hmm....How do I explain this? ...Umm, ...I was told that a Dark Master of the Keyblade was here. If...he is here, I wish to...speak with him.[/b]" Kotaro said nervously to the three. While this land fits what his friend told him about it, it's possible that he picked the wrong world, and if that is the case, it's possible the resident won't take kindly to the darkness, as most of them don't. As such, he had to say this in the most neutral way possible. Though thinking on it the second he said it, it's clear he was leaning towards being an ally of darkness. So here's hoping either he got it right, or they didn't catch on. "[i]...Well, we're off to a great start, now aren't we?[/i]" He thought.