Incoming villain. [b]Name:[/b] Isaiah "Izzy" Holman [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] If there was a textbook definition of a good man, it was Izzy. He cared about people. Izzy volunteered a good portion of his time and money for people, human and mutant alike. When he passed a man living on the street, he would offer his own home and work until that man was mended. He wasn't happy unless he was doing something for someone else. Izzy's demeanor was cheerful, laid back, and accepting. After working with mutants for so long, he came to a point where nothing surprised him any more. He didn't judge and rarely even batted an eye at their mutations. His heart of gold, however, was what would eventually cause his downfall. [b]Views on mutants:[/b] He was a very avid mutant's rights activist. He viewed them as equal to any other person. [b]Other:[/b] Although completely human, Izzy became a mutants' rights activist, and a pretty well known one at that. He had a big hand in helping create many mutant safe houses across the country. Some saw him as a hero, some saw him as a madman. [b]Appearance:[/b] Izzy was a fairly average sized man, standing at 5'11. He enjoyed running and long distance jogging, giving him a lean, athletic build. His hair was black and slightly curly. Izzy had dark brown eyes. [img][/img] [b]History:[/b] Born of humble beginnings, Izzy was raised by a single mother in a bad side of town. They couldn't afford much, but they managed to get by. His mother supported him through his slow journey to the man he was prior to his assassination. She came to all his speeches, encouraged him to push the envelope, and taught him determination. It was for this reason that Izzy was crushed when she was diagnosed with advanced breast cancer. As she slowly faded away, part of him did as well. However, Izzy had a large circle of friends who were able to help him through the grief. A few years after his mother's death, his name was popping up all over the place as a revolutionary. His dreams of humans and mutants living together in peace shook the nation; he was described as a modern day Martin Luther King. Some people speculated that he [i]was[/i] a mutant, and that his power had something to do with persuasion. This, however, was completely false. He was simply a convincing man. His march for peace, however, ended abruptly with his assassination. Izzy was giving yet another speech against the 2024 Mutant Registration Act yet he was shot in the chest by a sniper. "Police" quickly came and gathered the body. His death was on the headlines of many newspapers the very next day. But was he really gone? [b]-Six years later-[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Experiment 32, often called 'The asset' [b]Age:[/b] 31 (still appears about 25) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] 32 is more of a machine than a man. He's given orders and he follows them, no questions asked. He shows little emotion, cares nothing about the people he hurts, and is otherwise a vacant shell of a human. He's determined, calculating, and stoic. [b]Views on mutants:[/b] He has no opinions. [b]Other:[/b] 32 is not a mutant, but rather a human advanced by science. He has no x-gene. Because of this, tracking systems, poisons, and mutant locating devices (Such as Cerebro) do not work on him. [b]Abilities:[/b] He was number 32 in a long running experiment to re-create Viper's healing factor. 32 can heal from broken bones and severe trauma in just a few hours. He ages as an extremely slow rate. They managed to fix the weakness in the spinal cord; if severed, it can grow back. However, there was no way to re-grow his heart. While they were toying around with his DNA, they also found a way to enhance his strength, hearing, sight, and smell. They trained him to naturally sense the presence of other people, making him impossible to sneak up on. His bionic heart made him a more efficient athlete. His stamina went up and his recovery time went down. But the heart is his weakness as well as his strength. It's the only part of him that won't heal if injured. [b]Appearance:[/b] 32 has not changed in appearance since his "assassination". Other than his hair being kept in a more professional buzz cut, the only notable difference would be the glowing, Iron Man style core where his heart should be. [b]History: [/b] Once Isaiah Holman, a mutants' rights revolutionary, Experiment 32 is now a machine of destruction. He was assassinated by the Friends of Humanity, a mutant hate group, his body then taken by the Weapon X program. The two groups worked together to create a mutant that would shape the ages. Isaiah would be turned against everything he believed in. When Weapon X received his body, it was immediately after him being shot. 32 was barely alive, but they managed to incubate him until they could get him back to one of their facilities. His heart destroyed by the shot, they had to replace it with a prototype they had laying around: The bionic heart. Once revived, 32 fought they every step of the way. He fought his reprogramming, he fought his training, he fought until he couldn't fight it anymore. And then he was theirs. 32 was enhanced by the multiple experiments preformed on him. When he was deemed ready, he was then used to destroy his own life's work. 32 was used for several different things: assassination, interrogation, sabotage, and whatever dirty work that the official at FOH couldn't be bothered to do. Weapon X got their share out of him as well, using him to destroy their enemies one at time. 32 was the perfect asset: he never questioned orders, only obeyed. His humanity stripped from him, he was often referred as 'the asset' or 'it' and best yet 'the thing'. FOH is quite proud of their favorite tool. 32 is their own statement against mutant kind: he was a man who devoted his life to equality, and now he will spend the rest of it curving the odds against them. They are very insistent that, while on missions, 32 makes sure people know that it was a 'mutant' who killed the target. 32's work over the last 6 years has helped tipped the scales in FOH's favor.