[quote=Noxious]I'm going for female ex legion. Studies Deathclaws and other assorted beasts from a scientific point of view. A little insane and sometimes hard to understand because she spends time jumping from academia to beast mentality. Limited social skills. Left the Legion because she couldn't understand random brutality of people, though, ironically enough she has warmed up to the idea as her studies drove her insane. You know what though? I really wouldn't mind playing a scientist still working for the Legion.[/quote] As it was said prior, Women were kept as slaves. I am not fond of "bending" the rules of lore. Certain other things, can be "tinkered" with, but bending a lore fact is not acceptable within my nature. You could however you that same concept, just with a tribe or without the "Legion" Nametag. I do like the idea of having another player who mine can enter "Primal Furys" with though. As mine is going to have a small series of mutations around Bestial Nature and Primal Instinct. Onto the note of a Plot. I won't disagree overall with Jynx's plot idea. I just find it a bit too conformist to the Concept that has already been done. We are technically still doing the NV plotline, just with multiple people and skipping the trek around the 98. I would prefer something a little more custom. Besides, Mr. House would never hire Ex/Former(yes there is a difference) NCR or Legion. He doesn't trust them enough, because as he even says "History is doomed to repeat itself" and believes taking in Ex/Former NCR or Legion would actually be a series of spies getting inside his operation. I think a well planned out course of action, with an open and free-spirited beginning with a loose trail to a point of interest could give us some "free-roam" time, where we as writer's have a chance to establish our characters in "free" expression and establish concepts in the world that aren't given in game, but still giving us a direction to go to engage with the major plot.