[center] [img=http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/351/f/c/legend_of_the_cryptids_by_youngjunechoi-d6ycian.jpg] Name: Lancelot du Lac Age: 20 Personality: Weapons and equipment: [url=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/303/0/a/king__s_thorn_by_aikurisu-d31snw1.jpg ]Arondight[/url] and occasionally wears a birght plated armor in battle but wears chainmail vest and leather garments with a tabard.. Backstory: Lancelot was born to a highly noble family and began his studies at an early age. He became literate, capable fighter and an excellent rider and jouster. He was also raised to be the very symbol of knighthood. He was raised to be kind, fair, just, humble and chivalrous. As he grew up, he inherited every positive thing from his parents when it came to feature so he became the focus of many a' ladies.[/center]