Name: Alison Bennet Age: 20 Also Known As: Ally is her usual nickname, but Shadow may be one used by those who know who she really is and what she’s capable of doing. Appearance: [img] [/img] Abilities: The ability of shadow manipulation includes a variety of things. Ally is able to create inanimate objects out of existing shadows and then solidify them. For example she could manipulate a shadow to look like a ball, then solidify it and therefore make it 3D. However whatever she makes will be purely black and smooth, no other colours or textures. She also can’t make animate objects, so nothing that is living or constantly moves. However she can control the shadows, effectively allowing her 3D ball (or other objects) of shadows to hover or move around up to a short range. But she cannot create shadows, only draw upon them if they are there or if she is in darkness, hence she is stronger in the evenings and at night then in bright sunlight. She can also use the shadows to cast a veil around herself and effectively hide almost perfectly within the darkness. Other uses may even extent to the creation of shadow force fields in some sense. Views on Mutants: She has no knowledge of other mutants, but believes there must be others out there like her. And so she wishes to find them and hopefully gain more knowledge on what they are capable of and why it is only them that are this way. Due to her lack of knowledge on the matter she could easily be swayed in the views of whether humans and mutants are equals or not… Personality: Ally is a character with many sides, her personality varying depending on how well you know her and how much she trusts you. To most people it is her determination that strikes you first, once she's set her mind to something it will be done and to the best of her ability. In some cases this can make her seem stubborn to those who don't know her, but really she is quite the opposite. She is logical and quick minded, preferring to think up many solutions before spending time on analysing the pros and cons of each strategy and then picking the best and most effective one, even if it isn't the most obvious or the easiest. In this way she also weighs up the values and opinions of others, meaning in an argument she isn't likely to pick sides, but instead try to make each party see where both their strengths and their weaknesses are and help them to compromise. With this she has gained a skill for using words and persuasion to be the voice of reason. However on a more selfish note she could just as easily use her skills and charm to try and get the things she wants. Far preferring to talk herself out of a situation then fight her way out with brute force. She is curious by nature and strives to learn more, the new and the unknown always capturing her attention. She is one that prefers to learn a specific thing in depth rather than loads of things all at once. At times she can go into a period of silence, more so when pressure starts mounting on her, for she knows a clear frame of mind is all that is needed when trying to resolve a situation and her way to do this is by withdrawing into herself so she can sift through her own thoughts without disturbances. But on the opposite end of it, she hates the moment when she has to make a decision without fully thinking it through, for it makes her feel uncertain - for her the worst feeling a human could experience. On rare occasions she can live up to the stubbornness that is portrayed upon her, for once she has made that ultimate decision she sticks to it like glue. And at times she can even be a little judgemental, but these are not traits she likes to show. Rather she masks them with her patience in the way that it is rare to see her loose her temper, but if she does then gosh does all hell break loose. She can switch from being deadly calm to having a full on rant, both times using words to make the person feel inferior. Overall she tends to keep her true emotions hidden and portrays a more positive and cheerier attitude even in situations she disagrees with. Her sense of humour always being a large factor in contributing to how she responds to situations or the way she converses with people. Overall she is a fairly creative person, her lifestyle meaning she’s had to pick up skills quickly in order to do well for herself, or as well as she can. In new surroundings or around strange people she can react in one of two ways, either appearing quite withdrawn in herself as she prefers to observe things before acting upon them, or overly confident as she tries to appear knowledgeable on a subject so as not to be underestimated. History: Ally was orphaned shortly after being born, whether this was because her parents died or they simply didn’t want her is a mystery left unsolved. Of course she has often tried to question this, but since no one knew anything she may as well just accept the fact it’s a dead end. Her life therefore was primarily in foster care. She spent the majority of her younger years growing up in the large family environment of the foster care house. Her siblings, or that’s at least what they called each other, would come and go but she always seemed to remain. There was occasional times when families had wanted to adopt her, but things never seemed to work out and so she was always back in the foster home, happy to help out with the younger children or even the older ones - both with chores or any issues in life they had – always seeming to be the peace maker at the dinner table. She was mature for her years and always concentrated in applying herself to any task that came her way. When she turned 18 however she was met abruptly with the harsh reality of life. She found it hard to keep down a steady job and struggled to just get enough food each week. She tried to return to her foster home at first, with it being the only home she had ever known, it seemed she had nowhere else to turn. But with new kids always coming in they simply couldn’t afford to house her there no matter how much she helped. Therefore she scraped together what little cash was offered and tried to make the best of it. But the money was soon dried up. A year later and life was getting much better, or well manageable. She had managed to get part time work twice a week and had regular spots for where was best to stay at night depending both upon the day and the weather. However cash was still sparse and so she turned to occasional ‘grab and run’ to help her by. As her confidence grew she was able to take pricier items, resulting in less frequent events which she far preferred, she didn’t take them for fun (although she must admit the adrenaline was appealing) but merely to allow her to gain the resources she needed to survive. She soon established a safe network to sell them through and so far has got away undetected. And now with these new abilities starting to develop, despite her uncertainty over them, they may actually come in handy. Other: None ***Ok finished now I think.... may add more - depends on my mood lol***