Alright, by the time you are reading this, I will have just now or in like a minute posted the first IC. A few things to bear in mind; [list=1] [*]The facility is open-ended and huge. Feel free to make stuff up for the "smaller rooms" that you'll read about.[/*] [*]I tried to make it obvious, but just in case, your first post just needs to take you to your room. Feel free to control the officer at will. You will get a brief glimpse of the barracks, so if your character sees a machine that is designed for their power (you get to make this up if you want), feel free to note it.[/*] [*]Once everyone has posted once, we can talk a bit, but the "top of the hour" will arrive and the Colonel will explain much more of what will go on exactly. I'm already working on that post; it'll be sort of long. On length;[/*] [*]Feel free to make the first post as long or short as you like. It is the exception to any posting rules. Just go for it. After this keep things matching others, please.[/*] [/list] Ask me for any questions, and let the games begin! (Spoiler alert, late this evening, after we are all aquainted, we might get called in for a mission, so we'll pick things up soon!)