Billy: Billy listened intently as the boy spoke, he really just wanted to play in the lake but he sat, crossed legged like the start of gym, focused on the boy as if he couldn’t look away. His mouth dropped opened as the boy pushed his hand into the rock, creating a walkway. There was a metal door at the end of the walkway. “This place will be your home. I would like to say you are free to leave, but that would be a lie. Once you walk through that door you will not be able to leave without my permission.” the boy said and even though Billy heard those words, clear as day, he failed to fully understand them. Time was not something that Billy understood fully yet. He would play with this strange boy, who could makes things appear, until it was time for his parents to come and get him. Then he would spend all night telling them about the weird friend he made, while they smiled down at him with love in their eyes. Before he walked through that door though, Billy knew he had to play in the water.