Jurgen smiled. They were going to get rich. He figured he could cut the organizer out of half, claiming a finder's fee, and that would make him eleven thousand credits richer. That was certainly appealing. That was a few months of rent, and food and smokes aplenty. He had to mostly ignore what Eve had to say, though, not wanting to draw any attention to them. The cyborg was confident he had subtly acknowledged her words, however, and hoped she wouldn't be too offended, had she missed it. It didn't matter for long, though, he was grinning as he nearly bumped into a bookie. "Do you know something I don't, kid?" the man asked, looking very shrewd, and slightly hopeful. "I'm just feeling lucky." Jurgen replied, and the other man shook his head. "You placing a bet, or what?" he asked, obviously wanting to get on with business. "One hundred and sixty credits, and six chips on my robot, here." the cyborg said confidently. The bookie looked a bit surprised. "Seriously, kid? You're fucked." he muttered to himself. "All right, but when's it fightin'?" he asked in a voice that could be heard properly. "Should be soon. I got a match against Big Jim." Jurgen said, looking excited, and hoping it didn't sound like he knew a whole lot about this place. "All right... I'll give you a hundred-to-one odds, kid. I hope you're feeling lucky as fuck. Homemade bots never last against Big Jim." the bookie held out his hand, and the cyborg handed over his money. After counting it, the man scribbled on his note pad. Bets were harder to fake when using real paper. Any two-bit hacker could fudge electronic records. "Better get it down there, kid, you need to be ready to fight." the bookie said, gesturing toward the ring. There was a fight in progress, but it looked like it would be over soon. Big Jim was nowhere to be found, though. "Let's go." Jurgen said to Eve, gesturing to her to follow before heading off toward the ring. There were other fighters waiting ringside, so he figured that was the place to go. And then he spotted Big Jim. An eight foot tall robot, he was built like a tank, and looked ten times as mean. He was tough, obviously, but a bit outdated. He held up in the arena thanks to his durability, and relentlessness. But with Eve's advanced systems and adaptability, Jurgen had no fear. They were going to do well...