Sam was listening to every word, and while he was still somewhat unsure of who was truly in the right, and the wrong of the situation, it wasn't about to matter. The moment Jaii revealed the physical abuse fingerprints left over from his father's handy work Sam entered a mental rage, his mind caged off everything from outside of the hallway and he stepped forward between the father and son. "Enough. Luke, by our laws and written records, she has accepted the mark as her own and they are legally bound, they have a bond, I can feel it. Pursing action against them is not right, and against our ways. This is only the first note, I am certain you know what my second qualm with you is now..." He left his sentence open while staring the man down. Sam may have been only nineteen, but nineteen was a mature age and when you are the Guardian of a pack, and your responsibility is a close mesh of Law keeper and historian, you were almost always talking several years ahead of yourself. Samuel stepped back and to the right of Jaii, side-by-side now he pierced the pupils of Luke and readied himself for anything. His arms tightened, his deltoids curled, and his chest locked up ready for whatever moves were made by Luke or Rick. He was ready to fight, for Jaii, not so much, but for their way of life as Pack wolves, yes. He would certainly throw down with any Alpha, his own or another, to do is duty as Guardian or to fight the enlightened truth of abuse on another person. Samuel's showed this, in many ways. The shimmering emotional anger hidden behind his mahogany iris, which quickly became clear as his eyes shifted to that of his wolf's and his internal stronghold was slowly being uncased for good reason.