Akira didn't want to show up to the meeting, and after a night of restless sleep she couldn't hide how exhausted she felt. The whole night she'd felt guilt for how she'd abandoned her friends in the train, and even though her and Shiro were friends now (well, she regarded them as close friends, even though he was sorta bi-polar) it didn't help the fact that she still felt anxious around Yoromatsu. Maybe she'd try to sort things out with him after the meeting? It wasn't going to be easy to do given her skittish nature, but she valued Yoro's company more than he could ever realize. The meeting went well for the most part, though she couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Logistics?" she merely asked, not exactly sure how that'd be punishment, but she wasn't going to whine about it. It wasn't like she had anywhere to go during the summer anyways. She'd noticed that Shirogane hadn't shown up yet, and knowing him he'd still be sleeping in his room. 'What a lazy guy...' she thought absentmindedly with a small smile, and her hazel eyes caught sight of Yoro excusing himself. Shirogane shuffled in as he was absent, and she could hear something going on downstairs, and the voices of...women? 'Odd.' Yoromatsu returned, looking strained and she couldn't help but feel worried. What was going on to have him so stressed? She wanted to reach out to him, to try and re-establish that she was there and that she was his friend but she couldn't bring herself to do something so forward. What happened to the attitude and courage she wielded the night before? It's presence was failing her when she felt she needed it most, and almost numbly she listened along to what Yoromatsu had to say about Takahiro. "I believe you are correct, Yoro. Not many people can be active during the dark hour, so what better place to keep him than Tartarus? The police can't touch it along with whomever else might be looking for him, besides us, and his kidnapper seemed very adamant about getting us riled up. It would be wise if we prepared to explore the higher floors of the castle......or maybe, that strange man in the room can help us?" She was thinking out loud at this point, her hand curled in front of her mouth as she chewed at her lip. Her own awkwardness at even speaking to Yoro was beginning to show, so instead she chose to look fold her hands back in her lap and stare absentmindedly at the floor.