Tendra was indeed in the temple. He was sitting in front of a large statue which he cocked his head to get a closer look at before he ran his hand though his black hair. His yellow eyes glowed in the light. He had a samarai sword in a holder on his hip but he had been unable to access it in anyway, He felt a powerful connection with this sword and could not bring himself to be apart from it. He looked at the staute as he sort out his casual attire again before he turned round to leave the room. He wished he knew more about his past hell even if he knew what his real name was would be great. He stop as he felt presences enter the jungle in two different ways, he chuckled lightly to himself before he summoned his keyblade to him. Tendra put his keyblade away when he saw Axeus coming towards him so he stopped and bowed as he said "Greetings Master, I am already aware of the two new arrivals in the jungle. Do you wish for me to go to them or do you have something else in mind for me?"