[center][b]Jinx[/b][/center] -And in the Shadows...- Looking ove the two whom held a conversation, she listened in asthey spoke between each other and soon she heard how the new stranger asked if Jinx was a friend or not, it seemed that Deja was not quite a big fan of her which suited her just fine. They soon teleported off outside the Campus gate and Jinx only rolled her eyes as she walked over to listen in inside of them. It seemed she was underestimated, which suited her perfectly seeing as she didn't really care but their conversation was sure interesting. This 'Dios' Fellow sure seemed to not want the headmistress to know that he lurked around here, and Deja seemed to fall for him and supposedly serve as his spy. To find out where they had gone was quite an easy task, a teleportation always caused a Time and Space disortion to move something or somone between two separate locations. This of course being fairly easy for a 'Time Bandit' like Jinx herself to track and even remotely use herself if she really wished to, to only warp outside the gate to hold the conversation private must been one of the stupiest thing she ever seen, if they needed it to be private... then why not chose a remote location?... She heard him vanish once mor eand Deja whisper to herself, she could even tell without looking at her lip movements what the girl said to herself. After all , Jinx had Catlike hearing, and she sure didn't really care much that she had ben called demon as she had heard much worse words beign said about her before. She leaped up at the wall and peered down at Deja from the shadows, her dagger twirling in her hands. "Sir Dios huh.. quite an interesting new boyfriend you got there Deja... The School spy huh... wow.. I almost feel like your taking my job here..." she said chuckling slightly to herself. "Demon Cur huh?... You flatter me with your honest oppinions... if he wanted both eyes and ears, perhaps he hould have chosen a double set that is working... peh, that he chose you as a servant feels like a bigger insult than anything... bah.. I'm wasting my time here.. Good bye... Spy Girl..." she said and leaped down from the wall once more, she then ran over to the Academy building. Once inside Jinx wandered around for a while before stopping to ponder to herself 'So... where does one go to find something edible around here?...' she mumbled to herself and turned to see Daichi... "Hey you... Excuse me for a moment, but you seem old enough to know something about this place..." she said and frowned slightly "Do you perhaps know where the Food storage is?... or wherever you go to get something to eat in this place?..." she said and sighed slightly "Or is that perhaps too much to ask, seeing as the 'Queen' is a glutton whom dosen't seem afraid to stuff herself wit hfood in front of starving people?... bah.. this place sucks... In one day the 'Queen' have officially shown her disrespect for us others, Some Weirdo have attempted to wreck the place, my possible roomate have sold her soul to the possible devil... and bah... I think I go to sleep, I'm to angry to be hungry... its not like I usually eat more than once or twice a month anyway... Sorry for bothering you sir" she said bowing slightly before she wandered off.