After the cadre of Dalish emerged, Airthel stepped forward and inclined his head in proper greeting to the fellow Dalish, with a small bow with crossed arms, and recieved one of the same. "Aneth ara, brother. My name is Airthel." He said with a smile, dropping his arms to the sides loosely and continuing, "My companion is correct. We are looking for a missing man, and evidence says he came this way. It was a human male and he was looking for young deathroot." The story was not necessary to explain, but in his time patroling the borders of a Dalish camp, he too had come across random human encounters and been left with curious questions. After all, humans were strange to a Dalish such as himself. "We would greatly appreciate your help, as he also said," He didn't really feel the need to repeat the words of their haughtiest companion, but he knew it might be propiotous to have them recognize there was another of the People among the strangers. He hoped the human wouldn't take offense. The group was a familiar thing to Airthel, and he found himself more comfortable out here in the forest. He was not as startled by the sight of a tattooless elf as the others. Vallaslin were difficult to endure, and elves that came from cities were often allowed to take them at a later time than Dalish youth, and he figured this elf was a recruited Dalish. The though actually made the man seem more approachable for the Dalish: to see an elf who had both the city and Dalish experience, and choose Dalish, felt like a victory for his race to the elven scholar. His dagger, to Airthel, looked as though they were brought specifically for a fight against these human intruders, and Airthel hoped the camp hadn;t suffered at the vagrants' hands. "I think we should leave immediately. Even if the man we are looking for is not with these raiders, it is still something that is a danger to the refugees here. And the native inhabitants."