[B]Hunt for Diana[/b] [b]“At last, sweet land.”[/b] Trom said, as he walked down the gang plank. Any length of time spent on a boat was to long for him, preferring to places with opportunities to escape or, at the very least, hide. Close spaces and rocking floors were also not good for ones stomach, as he had found out during the voyage. Thankfully, that time was behind him and now he could enjoy the wonderful port of Southblood. [b]“Almost like home.” [/b] He mused looking at the hustle and bustle of sailors and shore men scuffling about. He took a deep breath in and savored the wonderful cacophony of scents that tended to permeate port cities. He heard Nadira off to his side [b]“I know my way around here, I can take us too the inn if you like”[/b] [b]“Sure, that seems for the best. Lead on oh beauteous guide, I’m sure you won’t lead us astray.” [/b]Trom responded with a grin. He quickly fell instep behind her, assuming the role of body guard, to try and ward off the preying eyes of cut-purses and thugs. He was scanning the crowd, reveling in being back in semi familiar surroundings, when he heard Nadia produce the note. Reading it , he felt the familiar tug in his gut that had served him well over the years and nodded to Nadia. [b] “I’m with you, this best serves us following it. Besides, the Inn shouldn't be running off anytime soon.”[/b] With that he fell instep behind her as they moved off towards weaver’s shop