Upon seeing the demons, Rasie growled softly and immediately looked for the best course of action to get on the boat. "Demons. The mage used demonic blood magic. For that, they must die. How far is the drop?" She looked over the edge and began to take her own calculations, her brow furrowed as she worked to figure out how to best land upon the vessel. Seeing that it may work, she decided to first try and help from here. Rasie spoke a few arcane words, her eyes beginning to glow as she activated her Combat Magic. Her crossbow was pulled up and she shouldered it, focusing. She took into account the movements and lead as well as her arc. Satisfied, she let the bolt fly, aiming it at one of the demons. The bolt itself flew as a normal one would; however, it left a glowing trail of arcane power behind it, her magic helping to guide and aim it. Her hands moved quickly, bringing her weapon down, nocking it, and coming up with another bolt. She reset her position, beginning to aim again.