Jax got sort of lost in the story. But then suddenly his throat was dry and he stopped. That was when her voice melted into his ear like a wave of warm sweetness. He almost started at that and the touch of her hand on his shoulder. Almost. He turned his head and smiled at her. Putting the book down he took her hand. Jax kissed the tops of her hard worn worked yet still soft to his touch knuckles. “Thank you, Nicki. I will treasure your name and will not to misuse it. No regrets, I promise.” He snickered. He let her hand go after his thumb ran over her palm. “At least not where the name is concerned. Now, in the bets we wager, there might be a few. On both ends I presume.” He lowered his head and let his hand that had held hers run over the page of the book. “I think my chapter is longer than yours. Or my throat drier. Or my reading not as smooth and flowing as yours.” He turned his head again to look at her. “You have an amazing voice, you know that don’t you? Tell you the truth,” He grinned, “It is a surprise to me. You hide it well in those snappy commands.” As if he might have said something wrong his eyes showed his panic at his choice of words. “That’s a good thing.” He back peddled quickly not willing to taste his own foot after that lovely skin of hers brushed his lips. “Your voice is like a musical instruments, you can crescendo to grab attention. You can command respect. And yet, “ He smiled and looked away for her. She must know what he means. She is not a school girl. She must know of the honey that drips from her lips when she wants it to. Of course she does. That’s why she can find that face and chill the air because she knows the difference. He took a breath and handed her the book, “Anyways. Would you read some more?” He was asking to listen to her again. But he didn’t want her to see his own longings. How much was he falling apart right there in her cabin with the music of her all around him? Who was broken? “I mean before I slur my words.” Jax was quick to cover anything he might be drunkingly showing.