[centre][b]Sith Lord Narthais[/b] Aboard the Vivacious Strength In orbit of the planet Sleyheyron[/centre] Narthais stood within his meditation chamber aboard the Vivacious Strength, his sabre held before him with the but planted firmly on the deck. as one might expect from meditation his eyes were closed and his breathing rhythmic and slow. he had been standing like that for nearly twelve hours now, in some kind of meditative trance while he waited for news from the planet. In this state he had felt small tugs in the force which he had then concentrated on, after some time he had come to the conclusion there was a dark side presence on the planet. Not a single strong entity, but a gathering they were more difficult to detect until they came together but he was sure a cult of the Dark side of the force was present on the planet, something which could work to his advantage if they did not find their smuggler prey soon. A few more hours passed with Narthais remaining in his trance before the intercom chimed once, twice and thrice. on the third chime Narthais opened his eyes and slowly worked the muscles in is limbs for a few moments before walking to the command answering. [b]"Yes?"[/b] He said simply. [b]"Report from the planet my lord, A local agent of yours has located Kahl Reyce."[/b] A crewman in the CnC said. Narthais smiled as he ordered the crewman to transfer the agents report to the sith lords datapad and to contact De'ann and have her ready the Dancing Twi'lek for a trip to the planet. Not waiting for an acknowledgement Narthais closed the channel and contacted Darths Amourus and Nacitus to join him in the hanger with their apprentices. A short time later the party of six were aboard the Dancing Twilek and headed down to the planets surface They are easily waved through to the planet's surface, Sleyheyron having no trouble in getting people to land, it was much easier to get their credits on the surface after all. Upon landing a Toydarian comes over, flapping rapidly with it's wings. [b]"Hello there, welcome, welcome to Sleheyron, you need anything, you ask Gizmo, that's me, after you pay the fee for using my landing pad of course."[/b] He grinned and held out a hand expectingly. Narthais reached into his pocket and retrieved a couple of moderate denomination credit chits before tossing them towards the Toydarian, a little over the being head deliberately, before clearly ignoring him and walking off the landing pad with his people following. De'ann near running to catch up as she finished securing her ship. The Toydarian lets out a shout and grumbles, just loud enough for Narthais to hear as he walks past. [b]"Bloody tourists..."[/b] The group walked through the rather busy streets of Sleheyron, merchant stalls were practically everywhere with various beings selling their wares, from fruits to blasters, to various slicing tools. At some point the crossed a square with a raised platform and a large crowd, a slave auction was taking place, various youngsters of a multitude of species were being sold to the highest bidder. They managed to push their way through the crowd, Annika momentarily distracted by something bumped into a hutt and fell with her face right into something slimy the hutt was eating, getting away while trying to get slimey gunk out of her eyes, the Hutt made no effort to stop her because he was laughing too hard. Eventually they reached the place, standing outside Boggurd the Hutt's establishment, 'cleverly' called 'Gold Whispers'. In front of the entrance they could see a mixed party of guards, three of them were Gamorreans while the other two were humans. Knowing where they were going most of the party had left their weapons aboard the Dancing Twi'lek, however Annika and De'ann retained their blasters and Narthais carried his sabrepike which to the an eye not familiar with lightsabres or related weapons appeared to be a walking staff. The party of six approached the guards at the entrance, fully expecting the guards demand Annika and De'ann surrender their blasters as all other patrons of the gold whispers were expected to do. Upon their approach the guards spring to attention, or at least the humans do, the Gamorreans just tighten the hold on their axes and look with on with narrowed eyes. One of the humans speaks up, perhaps the leader of these guards. [b]"What can we do for you, you ain't a familiar face."[/b] [b]"I have business in the Gold Whispers."[/b] Narthais replied simply as he stopped before the human. The human pulled out a slate of some kind. [b]"Name."[/b] [b]"You don't need to know my name."[/b] Narthais replied as he tapped into the force and made a small hand gesture. The man blinked and then snorted. [b]"Old geezer, if I am asking your name then I need to know. Or are you one of those, if I know who you are you have to kill me types?"[/b] The other human laughed at that, the Gamorreans following a split second later but they probably didn't get the joke. [b]"Very well, Tarlson Bey."[/b] Narthais said with a small sigh, [b]"May we enter now?"[/b] Some tapping follows and the man frowned, [b]"You aren't on the list. Nobody invited you, and you didn't ask to set up a trade deal either it seems, so stop wasting time geezer and move along."[/b] He waved with the slate. [b]"You either are invited, have set up a deal or have a special visitation pass. And you seem to have none of those three."[/b] [b]“Remind me to execute that Kubaz.”[/b] Narthais said quietly to Annika as he turned away from the five thugs. [b]“Dismiss them,”[/b] He then said casually to her. Annika smiled and stepped towards the thugs. [b]“Have you ever experienced Regulan Bloodworms before?”[/b] She asked the group as she set her mind to directing the force on their subconsious. [b]“Nasty creatures, they lie dormant in the bloodstream of their hosts as they mature, though how they get there in the first place no one is entirely sure.”[/b] She said in a curious tone, [b]“Once they mature they start to grow rapidly, causing tremors though the hosts veins that are easy to feel as they move about.”[/b] She continued as she applied more of the force into 'bringing the bloodworms to life' in their minds. [b]“Eventually they need to leave the hosts veins, frequently with terminal results. Unless a doctor can extract them first at least.”[/b] At first the guards just looked surprised, one of the humans opening his mouth, probably to ask what in the blazes this woman was yapping about. But then he just let out a fearful moan, eyes wide, the three gamorreans were oinking, gripping their chests, one of them passing otu with fear. The one human that had spoken to them fell over on the ground, screaming as he started to scratch and tear at his arms with his nails, digging deep and drawing blood as if to pull something out. A moment later a slot in the steel door of the entrance to the club slides open and what looks like the barrel of a heavy gun slides out, opening fire. Several wildly aimed blaster shots come out, but instead of blowing holes in any of Narthais' party they just glance or singe off the clothes that Annika and De'ann are wearing. [b]“Nacitus, take care of that if you will.”[/b] Narthais said as he moved to cover to break LOS of the E-web firing at them, “Amoura, De'ann, covering fire.”[/b] He added as he saw everyone else doing much the same as he. As ordered Annika and De'ann drew their blasters and began firing on the door while Alfhildr gathered the force into a destructive wave to 'open' the door and silence the gun. The blasterfire from Narthais's people just ping off the metal surface of the door while the E-web resumes firing, Alfhildr who had been about to use his power on the door was forced to dodge the incoming blaster fire, unable to fully release the power. Meanwhile the E-web inside was running a bit too hot, as in the E-web had been bought as 'new from the assembly lines' ten owners ago and with this much fire and a cooling system that hadn't been repaired four owners ago it was inevitable as the E-web just exploded and outside the Sith hear screams of anguish and pain. [b]“Its odd hearing that when I'm not the cause.”[/b] Annika said with a slightly disappointed look. Narthais waved them all forward as he approached the door as well. [b]“We must find our quarry before he can escape, we don't know how much commotion this may have caused inside.”[/b] He said as he activated his pike on reaching the door and began cutting a way inside. As Narthais starts cutting from inside they hear shouts from further in the club while closer, directly behind the door were more groans of pains and a sound as if someone was trying to get up. With ease Narthais cut through the door and then gave it a push, there was a short shout and then a groan of pain as the door fell on top of the still living guard that had been lying on the ground and was now covered, but not crushed, yet, by the door he was supposed to guard. Looking inside Narthais and his people could see a small ante-chamber, with a set of rails, probably where the E-web had been placed upon for easy moving to and from the door before it blew up. To the right was a passage that probably led further into the club from where the shouts were coming from. [b]“Amourus, Tayma, with me.”[/b] Narthais said as he cloaked himself in the force, Annika and Tayma following suit a few moments later. [b]“Nacitus, you and Zoyk hold here with De'ann and cover our backs.”[/b] Narthais said from his concealment before he started down the right passage followed by Annika and Tayma. As the three sith moved through the passage and rounded a corner they could see down further a body on the ground, his appearance similar to the human guards outside, with shouts coming from down further behind the body. At that point however a secret door of some kind in the passage opened and out stormed two guards, one a Weequay, the other a Nikto, both with blasters out but oblivious to the three cloaked sith as they seemed to rush straight towards them without seeing them. Narthais gave a quick signal to the other two and flattened himself against the wall to let the two armed men pass by. The two guards run past still oblivious to any presence of the three sith they almost bumped into and reached the passage, where a grinning Alfhildr was waiting for them. Seeing the two appear Alfhildr tapped into the force to to strengthen and speed himself dredging memories and grievances to the surface of his mind in the process and directing his rage at the two guards before charging the pair with intent to mangle them with his bare hands. The two guards had no idea what was happening, first they noticed the state of the ante-chamber and its apparent destruction and then they saw three people while they had been informed to expect six. The Nikto had no time to raise his blaster as the seemingly frenzied humanoid intruder charged and then just pounced, he was able to let out one scream before Alfhildr started to crush his neck and throat with both hands, growling like a animal. The Weequay with him raised his blaster in time but his shot went wild as the sith had just accelerated and pounced his comrade. Alfhildr finished the nikto by pushing his thumbs in the guards eyeballs to make them pop on top of the crushed throat and then stood up to lunge for the Weequay, but missed because said Weequay had dropped his blaster and was running way, trying to get past the other two intruders and flee outside. De'ann waved Zoyk back from trying to stop the weequay as she too stepped back to let him pass, only to then raise her blaster, take aim on the fleeing mans back and fire. The Weequay let out a soundless shout as the blastershot hit him in the back and he just fell to the ground, rolling a little before just lying still. With the two guards having passed them Narthais continued to lead Annika and Tayma deeper into the gold whispers. He stopped for a moment at the door the two guards had come out of to be certain there were not more guards in there waiting in possible ambush. What Narthais saw was a security station, showing camera feeds from outside the club and the ante-chamber they had entered through. A feed from the ante-chamber was enlarged at which the two guards inside were watching horrified as a big blonde humanoid had just leaped upon one of their fellow guards. [b]"Frak this, they need help."[/b] One of them said and pulled out his blaster. Narthais did not intend to give them the chance this time as he stepped into the room and struck out at the standing guard with his sabrepike. The guard was utterly surprised as suddenly a silver blade was sticking out of his chest, the other guard sitting at the controls stared wide eyed and then noticed a man who could be his grandfather calmly standing there with some kind of staff. [b]"Ferglutz!"[/b] He shouted and reached for his blaster, shooting wildly and hitting the ceiling. Narthais paid the wild shots no mind as he moved to eliminate the guard with his blade. What followed after Narthais was done with the guard was best described as 'shiskebab' as pieces of guard slid to the floor. Meanwhile, further on, a shout was cut short with a blastershot. [b]“Evidently we are not the only ones conducting aggressive negotiations here.”[/b] Narthais said before cloaking himself in the force again and heading deeper into the club, stopping at the door with the dead guard to get a better sense of what they were walking into. What they were walking into was a security desk, normally it seemed there would be two security droids as well as two guards, but now the two droids were destroyed and the two guards were dead, one who Narthais had stepped over and the other just now, after probably giving the codes to some secure lockers to the five rough looking humanoids of various races who were now armed with the weapons they probably had handed in earlier. To the side was a set of short stairs that seemed to lead to various booths of the club, Narthais could spot a number of people fearfully looking over the side of their booth before ducking back down, no idea of what was going on but probably thinking that if they kept their heads down things would pass. In fact in one booth a Falleen and Nikto were calmly discussing matters still, ignoring whatever was going on. Narthais, curious as to what was happening himself remained in concealment and watched the thugs to see what they were doing or what they might say. The five humanoids did not sense or see any sign of other intruders and finished equipping themselves, two of them rushing back to the booths, in fact to the one the Falleen and Nikto were discussing matters. A short conversation followed and the Falleen nodded, standing up and placing something in front of the Nikto who quickly pocketed while the Falleen was being led by the two armed individuals to the other three and once they were together made their way for the passage Narthais and his people were standing in. Two of them with blasters at the ready at the front. [b]“I tire of these obstacles.”[/b] Narthais said as he raised an arm towards the approaching armed men and engaged the force in a powerful display of lightning. Annika and Tayma hesitated for a moment longer before Annika nodded at her apprentice and mouthed the word 'fire'. The two of them then used the force to influence the minds of the fallen and the five armed men into thinking that they were actually burning alive. There was surprise on the faces of the group when it seems out of thin air people appeared, surprise quickly turned into terror and pain as lightning slammed into the leading two people, frying them alive with sith lightning before it arced and shot through their chests into two more right behind them. The remaining armed adversary and the Falleen meanwhile suddenly started screaming and shouting that they were on fire and rolled over the ground as if trying to put out non-existing fire. The other people, cowering in their booths saw all of this happening and just pulled themselves deeper into hiding. [b]“Stun the Falleen, kill the guard.”[/b] Narthais told Annika as he began scanning his eyes over the booths to see if he could spot the smuggler he was looking for. Narthais could see no sign of the smuggler, but then these booths were rather tall, intended to keep their occupants hidden from view. [b]"Wait here, no one leaves until I say so."[/b] Narthais said to Annika and Tayma before he descended the stairs, using his pike much like a walking stick as he began moving by the booths looking into each one he passed intent on finding Kahl Reyce. Narthais passed the booths and then paused, turning his head, noticing this one was surprisingly empty. He was not fooled however and bend down to look under the table, and there was his errant smuggler. Who cursed and bolted out from under the table in a attempt to get out of there, drawing a hidden blade as he did so, for a seemingly old man however Narthais had a arm and fist like steel and just extended his arm, letting the smuggler run right into that, knocking him down and letting the knife clatter on the floor. Meanwhile back at the others the Nikto had gotten up and showing no sign of fear approached Annika who was busy securing the Falleen. [b]"So... what is your business with that fella?"[/b] He said gesturing to the Falleen, who was still writhing and sweating, muttering about fire everywhere. Before Annika shot a stun blast between the eyes to make him shut up. Annika turned to face the Nikto and raised an eyeridge. [b]“I might be pursued to tell you, if you would tell me what he gave you and why.”[/b] Annika said with a small smile as she replaced the blaster in its holster. THe nikto grinned, [b]"Oh a example of what lay in store of me if I didn't do what he wanted, so if you want to kill him be my guest."[/b] Grinning he crossed his arms. Meanwhile a certain Corellian smuggler was not having a good day, groaning he looked up and saw Narthais looming over him. [b]"Poodoo..."[/b] Narthais leaned down a little closer to the smuggler and extended a hand. [b]“Kahl Reyce. Come with me if you want to live.”[/b] he said in a calm almost grandfatherly tone. [b]“I have no intention of killing him.”[/b] Annika said simply before deciding to probe further. [b]“What was it he wanted you to do?”[/b] she asked of the nikto. The Nikto winked at Annika, [b]"Smuggle dangerous goods that would have gotten me killed, but if I didn't he'd have me sold out to the authorities..."[/b] He coughed and muttered under his breath. [b]"And a Hutt who thinks I'm dead..."[/b] Kahl looked at the hand and snorted, [b]"Because if I don't you'll kill me no doubt, I saw what you did, you one of them jedai things."[/b] Narthais sighed audibly. [b]“I don't actually need your compliance to take you with me, of course if you do cooperate then I see no reason to hold you under any ill will. All I seek from you is information. Come with me willingly, give me the information I require of your own free will and I would have no reason to hold you further.”[/b] He explained in a bored tone, he really was tired of these roadblocks in his plans today. [b]“You seek an escape then.”[/b] Annika said to the nikto. The Nikto shrugged, [b]"Could be, I know I'd owe a favour or two if you would be so kind to set your blaster accidentally on kill and blast that blackmailing son of a gundark between the eyes. After all he would have died by someone other than me so my hands and those of my crew are clean."[/b] [b]"E chu ta sleemo."[/b] Was Kahl's response, spitting at Narthais's feet. [b]“You don't need your legs to tell me what I want to know. Do you need them for other things?”[/b] Nathais said as he added a touch of force fear to his voice while rotating his sabrepike so that the emitter was poised near the smugglers legs, though he did not activate the blade. [b]“Perhaps...”[/b] Annika replied to the nikto [b]“I have my instructions however, he stays alive, for now.”[/b] [b]"Shame that, not even by accident? Ah well, name's Goll Javn. So you a force user like the old man? Don't see your kind that often, some even think you lot are supposed to be extinct."[/b] He said making conversation as he pulled out a cigarra and lit it, puffing out a trail of smoke. Kahl blinked and quickly raised up his hands. [b]"Ok, ok, you got me jedai, you got me. I'll come willingly and I'll talk oh I will talk so much it'll hurt your ears but I'll talk. What do you want me to talk about?"[/b] He started blurting out, eyes wide with fear. [b]“You will find out in due course. Now be silent and follow.”[/b] Narthais said as he grounded the butt of his pike into the floor and turned to head for the exit. [b]“You don't appear particularly worried, most people fear those that can use the force, as you may have noticed.”[/b] Annika said as she gestured around the room. Noticing Narthias coming back up the stairs from the main floor with the smuggler in tow she turned her attention to the dark lord. [b]“We are ready to leave then? Before we do this one would like a favour,”[/b] she said gesturing to Goll Javn. [b]“ Kill the Falleen, and then he owes you.”[/b] Narthais looked at the Nikto for a moment before asking the obvious question. [b]“Who is the Falleen and who is he connected to?”[/b] Goll shrugged, [b]"Name is Fenro, nobody important from what I can tell, he actually wanted to use me to impress some syndicate fellow and get his foot in the door. Got lucky on finding out who I was and who I am hiding from and decided to see if he could put a hand up my ass and use me as a puppet."[/b] He gestured to Annika wit his cigarra. [b]"As for your remark, are you here for me? No? Then why be worried, if you were then I'd be dead anyway I imagine so again, why should I be worried.... would ask for a last drink though.... also a free tip, the hutt who owns this den has probably more security on their way."[/b] [b]"I have no doubt, and assuming the Hutt has camera's in here to watch things despite the supposed privacy you have now been seen associating with the ones that have caused a lot of the trouble in here."[/b] Narthais said before he raised a hand and let out a stream of leathal lightening into the stunned falleen. He then gestured for Annika and Tayma to take Kahl to the exit and meet up with the others. [b]"Walk with me."[/b] Narthais said to Goll as he started for the exit himself. [b]"Sure thing."[/b] Goll said, looking at Kahl. [b]"Hey Kahl, not your lucky day?"[/b] Kahl just shivered and was meekly following Narthais like he had been instructed to. Shrugging Goll turned back to the old man. [b]"Thanks for that, wasn't joking when I told your pretty assistant there I would owe you a number of favours."[/b] He rummaged through his pockets and came out with a data crystal of some kind. [b]"Contact information, if you ever need a smugglers view on things and since I am feeling generous, guessing you need a quick get-away from this world, just tell the 'officials' if they want to stop you that you are a trader with a cargo of Klatooinian paddy frogs for a Hutt feast, they usually let you go before double checking that."[/b] [b]“I will make sure our pilot is aware of that.”[/b] Narthais answered as he took the data crystal. [b]“Lets see what, if anything is awaiting us shall we.”[/b] He then added as he picked up the pace a little and rounded the corner to find the rest of his subordinates waiting at the door where he had left them. He didn't even blink at the guards corpse that Alfhildr had dispatched. [b]“How does it look out there De'ann?”[/b] He asked when he saw her near the hole in the door and peering out. The streets were abandoned still, De'ann only reported seeing a Kubaz walk past with a cart who with a delighted sound had picked up the corpse of the Weequay and carried it towards the end of the street where he had vanished from view. [b]“Then we leave while we still have the chance, Everyone stay alert however I doubt the Hutt that owns this place is particularly happy right now.”[/b] Narthais said as he took the lead and stepped out onto the street to lead his party to the spaceport. Goll nodded and saluted, [b]"My ship is on the other side of this settlement, wish you luck though."[/b] He went to the side of the establishment and hopped on a swoop bike there, activating it and smirked as it hovered off the ground. [b]"See you around old geezer, pretty lady."[/b] He winked at Annika before he revved the swoop engine and sped off. Looking where Goll had grabbed his swoop bike Narthais and the others could see several speeder bikes and even some speeder cars, if he thought he or any of his people had a talent of hotwiring any. [b]“We have what we came for and I do not like the idea of losing it if the hutt tries to chase us on these streets.”[/b] Narthais said before turning to De'ann. [b]“I know your sister is the mechanic but see what you can do about getting one of those speeder cars started to speed our departure.”[/b] He added. She successfully hotwires a speeder car large enough to hold all of them and De'ann slips behind the wheel, bringing the speeder around to the group. [b]"Need a ride handsomes?"[/b] Annika cocked an eyeridge at the comment before climbing in with everyone else. [b]“Get us back to the dancing twi'lek so that we can leave this hutt-slime of a planet if you would De'ann.”[/b] Narthais said sternly. A moment later De'ann had the speeder moving rapidly towards the landing pad her ship was parked at. They were at the end of the street and about to disappear from view when on the other end two speeders came into view, heading directly towards the Golden Whispers but in the blink of a second De'ann was steering the speeder around the corner and they were on their merry way towards their parked ship. A short time later the party step out of the speeder and make their way across the landing pad, De'ann moving ahead of them to disarm her security measures and open the ship so that they could board. It only took a minute or so before De'ann had the boarding ramp lowering and the group filed aboard. De'ann spun up the engines and gunned the throttle for space. Narthais filled her in on what Goll had said and sure enough it had worked when the planetary 'officials' contacted them. With the Dancing Twi'lek back in the Vivacious Strength's hanger bay Narthais rendered Kalh Reyce into Annika's custody and set her the task of extracting the information about the auction. When the smuggler had pleaded that Narthais had said he wouldn't harm him if he came willingly the sith lord turned to the smuggler, looked him in the eyes and said two simple words. [b]“I lied.”[/b] [Hider=Summary] Narthais visits a bar, conducts some aggressive negotiations, makes a new friend and leaves with what he came for. Also gains the 'Smugglers' influence trait.[/hider]