"Mockery? Haven't you heard that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And Masquerade is nothing if not the master of flattery." Geb called after the girl with a large grin on his face as followed after her back to the base. He was still getting used to being part of a team but he was already in love with the idea. As he and Elin reached the base Geb broke away from his newly made friend, something he already considered all of his team, and headed over to the table. He smiled as he sat in the chair next to Super boy. He eyed the stack of pancakes in front of him for a moment before moving his gaze over to Amani. "Thanks for making us this spread, I'm sure it [i]tastes[/I] great." He said with a half hearted smile, if someone would of been listening carefully they would noticed the slight strain Geb put on the word taste. He picked at a pancake on his plate, taking a bite only to have a unsatisfied expression on his face, before super boy broke the table right next to him. "Wow what a way to break in the new house!" He chuckled some before patting Super boy's shoulder. "Yeah I know. It should be some where down below like in the old hall." He laughed again "I don't know why I should know though I can't even drive!" He stood up from his seat, leaving his not even half eaten pancake there. "Come on Super bro I bet Batman left us some nice toys down there." He headed towards one one of the hallways stopping to wait for Super boy. Though he flashed a quick smile at Elin, his skin shifting to match her's again but only briefly.