She had only just finished packing and already she was being invi-taken to a restuarant. Chiaki was really flatter, but instead tried her hardest to deny the offer. To no avail. "Nono! Please, I couldn't!" Maki shook her head. She was not taking no for an answer. After all, this was her chance to get some dirt on Chiaki. "Come on! I insist!" Maki grabbed Chiaki by the lace on her arm and dragged her down the stairs and out of the door. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The duo were waiting our the front of 'Shangra-la' restaurant. Chiaki had heard rumors of this place. Its mainly for the rich and famous, its in a shopping plaza west of the Iwatodai Station. They were waiting out the front for a few minutes as the crowd died down as many had been refused entrance. "For the last time! No reservation! No Entry!" These words came from the mouth of a burly security guard. "No you don't understand! I'm-" Maki quickly glanced at Chiaki. "I'm THE FIANCE to Yoromatsu Kirijo! See?" She showed him a picture of herself hugging Kirijo-san, he looked annoyed. Chiaki saw the photo. "Poor Kirijo-san...". The next thing she knew, the two were being escorted inside. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The restaurant was a pretty stunning building. Chandeliers, Signed photos and Bills of previous famous diners. People were staring at Chiaki, she could feel their eyes digging into her back. "Uh, I'm not sure I belong in such a place Kimiko-san. People are.. staring at me..." Maki laughed. "Ahahah! Darling don't worry about it! Im'm sure they're just in awe over how you look! I mean you could stop traffic in that outfit!" It was an obvious insult, but she didn't mind, Chiaki just nodded happily. "Aha..ha.. Well, thanks alot for inviting me here Kimiko-san!" Maki smiled. "Think nothing of it! Now please! Tell me ALL about yourself! I'm dying to know the story of such a "Famous" idol!" Chiaki couldn't refuse, especially after Maki had taken her to such a glorious restaurant. The two ordered a meal and began to converse. "Well you see, I'm actually part Italian, that stems from my mothers side. I was born in the Togichi Prefecture. I got in a heated debate with my parents, I won't go into any details but I've been living with my Grandmother, until... Until she passed..." Maki tried to empathize with Chiaki. "Oh you poor thing. (Heh, she ran away from home! Interesting... What else can I get out from her...)" Chiaki noted that the waiter had come back with their food. "I suppose we should eat before we talk anymore. Once again, thankyou for the invitation" Kimiko shrugged. "No problem, we'll be putting it on Yoro-Kuns' tab! Ahaha" Chiaki was shocked. "Oh, does he normally treat you with expensive gifts?' "All the time! Yoro-kun doesn't look like it, but he's loaded! Same with me! We're both swimming in the money haha!" "Oh...". Maki saw the spirit in Chiak die a little. Her plan was working. If she couldn't stop Yoromatsu from falling in love with Chiaki, she could atleast crush whatever chance Chiaki thought she had with him.